
Hefeweizens are tough because they really benefit from being fresh. For this reason sometimes the cheaper ones are a little better because they move faster. Last one I had was the Hopf Spezial Weiss. Not bad. I recommend Weihenstephaner Vitus. Closest thing to an imperial hefeweizen that Germany offers.

Now is hardly the time for wheats though. Bring on the winter warmers and old ales and imperial stouts.
I can't even believe how sick I got last night. I don't, usually, but er, I recently started taking wellbutrin for depression (and I don't think it's working for me, since it actually increases anxiety levels), and considering I'm supposed to be careful about my alcohol consumption (if not avoid it altogether), I think 7 or 8 pints of Dirty Bastard (a local Scotch ale) may have been a bit excessive...
My favorite beer after Smithwick's:

Anticitizen, where do you live? The talk of Oberon and Dirty Bastard leads me to beleive you live in my state of Michigan. Am I correct?
That I do. I've spent the last several years moving around, from here to San Francisco to Portland and here again, but yes, I am currently in my old home of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
last night I had a few good beers at this irish pub, Snake Bite(well cider/beer), Rock Creek Apple Cider, Stella Artois, OB(generic korean beer--think its like labatt blue from canadia) and this japanese beer i forget the name of...

Its not a real accomplishment in that they just froze parts of the beer to concentrate the alcohol and scooped the ice off...they didnt achieve that abv by fermentation alone, which is sort of cheating imo. Its something any brewery could do if they felt like it. But breeding a yeast strain that can reach up to 26% (as Sam Adams utopias does, highest abv beer by fermentation alone) is an accomplishment and not something any brewery could do.
Imperial stouts are the shit. Earlier tonight I tried a Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout; very delicious. Although Rasputin is still one of my favorites.

Yeah, I LOVE me a good impy. I could name tons of good ones, but the last time I had a new one that really had me saying "wow" was Ten Fidy from Oskar Blues...comes in a can. Pours like well-used motor oil and tastes oh-so-good.
Its not a real accomplishment in that they just froze parts of the beer to concentrate the alcohol and scooped the ice off...they didnt achieve that abv by fermentation alone, which is sort of cheating imo. Its something any brewery could do if they felt like it. But breeding a yeast strain that can reach up to 26% (as Sam Adams utopias does, highest abv beer by fermentation alone) is an accomplishment and not something any brewery could do.

yeah. I also can't rationalize paying over sixty bucks for one bottle of beer. I can buy plenty more for that money.

I revisited Stone's 13th Anniversary Ale last night, and I enjoyed it much more this time than when it came out a few months ago. I don't know what changed (since you're not supposed to cellar it), but something clicked better.

Picked up some christmas beers at bevmo the other day by Affligem, St Bernardus and AleSmith (Yulesmith). Can't wait to crack those open!
Was out at a bar last night and had a few goodies.

Duvel Green - Not very impressive at all. Way too grassy and more hop bite than I ever remember the regular one having.
Green Flash Imperial IPA - Split a bomber four ways. I think I prefer the West Coast IPA.
Port Hop 15 - Great flavor, but definitely undercarbonated.
Great Divide Old Ruffian - One of the slightly more hop focused barleywines. Split this one three ways.

Those bombers were all $12 at the bar. Great deals.
Goddammit, why can't I trust you guys to like something I'll like? I picked up a 6-pack of this beer tonight with these posts in the back of my mind, and can barely get through the first one. :ill:

The world of beer is such a minefield...

I'll be goddamned, but this beer (the SA Winter Lager) really grew on me. The first two I hated, but after that it wasn't so bad, and now on the last one I'm actually enjoying it. A lot. Fuck me, beer makes no sense...