
Done drinking Sam Adams... at least until I can afford another 12. For the time being, it's Lites and High Lifes.

I hear ya!
I go thru spurts in trying all kinds of different lagers, ales,etc. I'll try or drink just about anything...but for the most part I drink Keystones. For a longtime it was Coors light for me...the Stones being a similar (Coors product) beer and costing less. I think it actually tastes better than Coors light. Just bought a 6pk for $3.16 and can get 30 pks at times for $ for me.:kickass:
Pilgrims's Dole is currently in my top five beers (out of the ones I've formally reviewed). I went over the Sam Adams Holiday Porter tonight. Very solid effort. That mixed pack is a nice value, except for that complete garbage Coastal Wheat beer they put in this year.

We should try and get this thread going again. Good stuff.

Green Flash West Coast IPA just became available here. That's good stuff. I'm going to have to fork over the big bucks for Dreadnaught one of these days. I was sorely disappointed by the last hyped up IIPA I bought, though (Hopslam).

I am an IPA fiend. Give me the hoppiest, most citrusy, flowery, bitter, tastebud-exploding beer you can come up with and I might get an erection.

Lately though, I've been enjoying Pilgrim's Dole (scroll to the bottom). The same brewery's Dragon's Milk is also good, but so heavy and rich that I can barely finish half of a snifter.

Your taste sounds like my taste, when I used to drink beer.

You would like Barlywines. Those which are more traditional are usually a heavy viscosity and tend to be on the sweet side, with a pretty high alcohol content. They do not have the roasty dark flavor, and many of them add generous hops, which brings them closer to an IIPA.
:lol: I wasn't blaming you or anything.

So far some of the ones I've liked best are Blue Moon, Magic Hat and Flying Dog Amber Lager. I've had two different brown ales that both seemed pretty good.

I'm not sure if it has something to do with "hoppiness" versus "maltiness" or whatever. I don't seem to like IPAs, and someone told me they were hoppy. I don't do research on any of this shit, but I guess I better start.
I had an Irish car bomb once, and it was pretty good. Think I tried a Guinness by itself once too, and it seemed pretty ick.
:lol: I wasn't blaming you or anything.

So far some of the ones I've liked best are Blue Moon, Magic Hat and Flying Dog Amber Lager. I've had two different brown ales that both seemed pretty good.

I'm not sure if it has something to do with "hoppiness" versus "maltiness" or whatever. I don't seem to like IPAs, and someone told me they were hoppy. I don't do research on any of this shit, but I guess I better start.

If you like Blue Moon try Hoegaarden Original White Ale.
:lol: I wasn't blaming you or anything.

So far some of the ones I've liked best are Blue Moon, Magic Hat and Flying Dog Amber Lager. I've had two different brown ales that both seemed pretty good.

I'm not sure if it has something to do with "hoppiness" versus "maltiness" or whatever. I don't seem to like IPAs, and someone told me they were hoppy. I don't do research on any of this shit, but I guess I better start.

If you like Blue Moon try Hoegaarden Original White Ale.

Yeah, try white and/or wheat beers. It sounds like that's what you like.

Pale Ales are bitter and very hoppy. Stouts and porters are much richer and creamier, and usually have a higher alcohol content.

White beers and wheat beers usually have a slightly sweet taste, sometimes fruity.

And on a side note, Guinness is delicious.
Cool, thx for teh rx guys. I've tried a few whites/wheats and pretty much liked them all, so I'll likely stay in that range if I'm not trying to be experimental or anything. I try to get something different every now and then, but it seems like more often than not I end up regretting it. :erk:

@Belli: I've tried Shock Top before. It tastes about as cheap as its price, but it's at least 'in the right direction' for my personal tastes.