
Any of you beer experts want to recommend a noob some beer?

Stone Pale Ale if you get it out there in WV and anything Belgian. Sierra Nevada and New Belgium also make really good beer that's widely available. From Sierra Nevada: their Pale ale, porter, or anything really. As for New Belgium, Fat Tire is always a good entry level beer. 1554 is a good dark ale. any of their seasonals are worth trying.
Any of you beer experts want to recommend a noob some beer?
Having no knowledge of your tastes, I'll throw these out there:
Weihenstephaner Korbinian: a top notch doppelbock (a dark but sweet german lager. Ayinger celebrator is very nice as well)
Dead Guy ale: it's an ale in yeast only as it's brewed as a maibock. I've seen people who had scarcely ever had craft beer rave about it at first taste).
La fin du monde: A nice pale, strong belgian-style ale. (or really, any beer from Unibroue - Maudite and trois pistoles are both excellent but darker).
And when in doubt, give something local a try; it's probably the freshest thing on the shelves.
I think it's official, I hate pale ales. I got a pale ale from a nice local brewer t'evening, and it started out great, but now I'm just sick of the bitterness and it's all I can taste as I slog through this 22oz bottle. fml

Also, wtf is this hoegaarden shit? It tastes like I'm drinking raw eggs or something :lol:
Hoegaarden is good but there are better Witbiers out there.
Try Allgash White or UFO White.

As far as Pale Ale's i like them but prefer IPA's.
Try Stone IPA or Southern Tier IPA. Been drinking the hell out of those two lately.
I'm sure Unknown has heard of this brewery but yesterday i had a bomber of Wipe Out IPA by Port Brewing San Diego, CA. Unbelievable! I think i like it better than Stone's Ruination IPA tbh. Looks like i need to try more from Port Brewing Co.
I always recommend Lindemann's Framboise whenever me or my buddies bring a girlfriend to the bar we go to. It's good, but you're right...doesn't taste like a beer

Belligerent: Yeah Port Brewing is a great company. Haven't had their Wipe Out IPA though, so I'll have to check it out

Had Anchor Steam's Small Beer the other day, whose bottle is not small by any means, and it was pretty neat. Apparently small beers are the second beers made from the same mash of another beer. In this case, Anchor Steam takes their barleywine mash and make's a second, "small beer", from it. The result is a drinkable, low abv beer. In this case, the abv was only 3.3%. Very drinkable but still a bit filling.

For SkiesAtOurFeet, I had Weihenstephener the other day to celebrate Germany's victory. Poured it into a traditional hefeweissbeir glass. It had some serious head on it. Very enjoyable and would definitely get again
So I tried my first IPA, Ranger by New Belgium. How the fuck do you guys drink this bitter shit? Had trouble finishing one bottle.

I also tried the New Belgium "Mothership WIT", an organic Heff. Not bad, but better with food than solo.
I am mainly drinking CL Smooth and Pabst right now. My favorite craft beer isn't available here (Henry Weinhard's Honey Hefeweizen)so sticking with the cheap good stuff.

Failure of threadz should mail me some. Widmers Heff is available here, and it's an inferior Heff to HW's.
recent new beers I've had:

Stone/Dogfish head/Victory Saison du Buff collaboration. Beer brewed with sage, parsley, thyme and rosemary. Sounds like thanksgiving dinner, smells like an IPA, tastes pretty good. The spices are all pretty subtle and mix to form something unique. Not sure if I would get it again or not. It's good but not amazing.

Oskar Blues Gubna Imperial IPA: 10% abv, pretty darn good and rather mellow for an IIPA in my opinion. Much more drinkable than Stone Ruination and other IIPAs

Ballast Point Sculpin IPA: pretty good and tasty IPA. Not the best but an enjoyable one.

Paulaner Lager: Tastes like what a lager should...crisp and enjoyable.
So I had Framboise for the first time today. It doesn't taste like beer at all. More like raspberry soda. I was disappointed.

If it tasted like soda then it wasn't a true fruit lambic. True lambics of any sort (framboise being a raspberry lambic) are super tart, sour and dry. I've described some as a cross between vinegar and lemon juice.
Due to the popularity of lindemans, it's what most people think lambics are supposed to taste like. Their Cuvée René gueuze is the only beer they have that is true to style that I've had.
That being said, I have nothing against lindemans (hell, I'm not even that big a fan of lambics), just dont like people thinking they're drinking a real lambic.
Had some Newcastle in bottles this weekend, with Cider on Tap was da best. Picked up another 12 pack of Leinenkugels summer pack, and looking at this case of st paulis girl..has anyone had it?
I am mainly drinking CL Smooth and Pabst right now. My favorite craft beer isn't available here (Henry Weinhard's Honey Hefeweizen)so sticking with the cheap good stuff.

Failure of threadz should mail me some. Widmers Heff is available here, and it's an inferior Heff to HW's.

Widmer's Hefeweizen is easily the worst hefeweizen on the market
@rms: I haven't had SPG, but the grocery store I work at flies through cases of it

Drank BrewDog's Dogma last night. It was pretty interesting...made with guarana, poppy seed and a couple other odd ingredients. Poured amber. Thick head that left tons of lacing. The taste was very subtle and at times reminded me of a Belgian dubble. Pretty good and unique.

Tonight I'm going to a wine tasting at a friend's but was told it was okay to bring beer, so I'm bringing Westmalle's tripel and Stone's IPA along with a bottle of Hidden Cellars petite sirah
Widmers Heff is available here, and it's an inferior Heff to HW's.

Didn't care for Widmer Heff at all.

anyway, IPA's took me a long time to warm up to i had the same mindset as you. Just give a few more tries, maybe by skimming through some old pages in this thread to get the right idea/recommendations.