
Don't know if its actually sold outside of Scandinavia, but Karhu is the shit dudes. If you ever come across this bottle, try it ffs! Best beer ever!

decided to take some pics of my "cellar" collection:


2008 Stone Old Guardian
08.08.08 Vertical Epic
09.09.09 Vertical Epic
10.10.10 Vertical Epic (x3)
2010 Double Arrogant Bastard (x2)


2010 Deschutes Jubel Once in a Decade ale
2010 Sierra Nevada Bigfoot (x3)
2009 Alaskan Barleywine
Aventinus Eisbock
Dogfish Head Burton Baton oak aged IIPA (x2)
St Bernardus Prior 8 (x2)
2010 Grand Teton Cellar Reserve Coming Home
2010 Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti (x2)
BrewDog Tokio*

what I'm serving at my beer tasting thing next weekend:


2010 Anchor Christmas Ale (x2)
Harvestoun's Ola Dubh 12 year (x2)
Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome (x2)
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
Goose Island Nightstalker
Hanssens Oude Gueuze
2010 Grand Teton Cellar Reserve Coming Home
The Bruery 3 French Hens
2008 Double Arrogant Bastard
Affligem Noel
St Bernardus Christmas Ale

...but I have a ways to go until I match my mom's collection (ignore the ironing board in the cupboard)...over 150 bottles of wine. not pictured is another 15 bottle rack in the kitchen
holy hell dude, nice collection. A ton in there i haven't tried yet, i'd really like to try Night Stalker and St.Bernardus(haven't tried any St.Bernardus yet).
I've actually never tried that particular St Bernardus (the Prior well as a few other beers in my "cellar"), so I'm really stoked about it. I'll let you know about the Nightstalker...MoL seemed to enjoy it
Just made a stop to my class six on base, some pretty good selections. Didn't see any milk stouts, really need to find one so I can tell if it's as delicious as it sounds! So many different breweries in colorado though, I have no idea if I can trust what they sell! haha

got a 12 pack of newcastle, 4 pints of boddington and 4 pints of of Bitburger..never had boddington or bitburger. Think im going to commit to the 10$ single belgian beer next time :loco:

I'm drinking this at the moment and let me tell ya this is crazy shit, right away you are punched in the throat with a overload of hops. Citrus, lemony, peachy hops are running amok in your mouth while the malty caramel notes are trying to make there way to the front as well. But again I keep coming back to one thing...alcohol, this beer is damn boozy I find myself only taking little baby sips evey few minutes and sitting there thinking about the long finish because it literally coats your throat with massive flavors.

Do not drink this bottle yourself....I repeat do not try and drink this bottle yourself. This is very risky business here, with a tag of 41% ABV this will try and take you down for the count early.
Sink the Bismarck! You, sir, are a brave man

got a 12 pack of newcastle, 4 pints of boddington and 4 pints of of Bitburger..never had boddington or bitburger. Think im going to commit to the 10$ single belgian beer next time :loco:

Boddington's is pretty good. I've had Bitburger but wasn't too impressed with them.

Tripels are too badass for a lot of people, but I recently (~2 weeks?) had La Fin Du Monde by Unibroue on the BA bros' recommendation. Good shit.


Unknown, have you tasted that Bourbon County yet? It's so fucking thick and rich, it's like syrup.

not yet. I'm gonna have it this weekend and I'll let you know
so I had my Winter Beer-ish thing tasting I mentioned on the previous page. The big hits of the night were: Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, Pliny the Elder and The Bruery's 3 French Hens. I was really surprised at how strong you could taste the effects of the bourbon barrel aging in the Goose Island. The Nightstalker was okay...I wasn't too impressed with it. The big disappointment of the night, for me at least, was Anchor's Christmas Ale. It had this almost soapy taste to it. Really bizarre.

We didn't get to the Sam Smiths, St Bernardus, Ola Dubh or Affligem Noel since we were all quite buzzed/drunk/full of beer. but it was good nonetheless
currently drinking this tonight: Harviestoun's Ola Dubh 12, aged in Highland Park barrels(!)


My review from beeradvocate:

Bought from The Bruery Provisions in Orange, CA. An ale matured in Highland Park barrels? Sounds like a winner to me.

The pour is jet black. I mean there is no light coming through it. The head pours coffee brown, thin, and quickly dies off. The aroma from the pour is definitely interesting. The peaty scent of the whiskey casks actually comes through. Now for the taste...

Very interesting! It has a great smokiness to it. Unlike porters or stouts where you're sometimes hit with roasted grains, here the smokiness is way subtle and must come from the scotch barrel aging.

The real surprise is the mouthfeel and drinkability. Very light bodied. In spite of a thick, black look, it goes down very smooth. This makes it very drinkable.

For me the ultimate test is whether or not I would buy this again, and I definitely would buy this again. Great stuff.
because you're a girl

last night I had a very rare beer and was quite wet in the pants about trying it. Naja's had Kern River Brewing Company's Citra DIPA on tap...Citra is a very very rare hard to find beer. In the double IPA kingdom where Pliny the Elder is king, Citra is the prince. and it was delicious. Incredibly drinkable too. The hops in it were more citrusy and flowery than in Pliny (more like Piney the Elder).

and it was $1.50 taco night :kickass: