
yeah only liquor store we got back home is the Premier Wine one or whatever, but probably just wing it. Thinking of getting Ice Wine for my pops as well
This is what I got for tonight. Not pouring it so getting that out of the way right off the bat; out of the bottle tonight. Has great reviews on BA, bought it on a whim cuz it looked excellent and Clown Shoes is local (Ipswich, MA). Going into this, I love porters and sweet/dessert-y beers anyway so I'm pretty sure this will impress the fuck out of me. Review to follow:


7.0% ABV, 22 oz.
That beer looks delicious, Andy. I got Abita Purple Haze tonight. It is light, has a tart/crisp raspberry flavor. The beer is actually brewed then a raspberry puree is filtered through it. It is lacking all around good beer flavor in my opinion, but since I'm a chick, and it's fruity.. I dig it.
Alright, here's my review of this one:

Clown Shoes Pecan Pie Porter. Great reviews on BA and bought on a whim so gave it a shot. EXCELLENT smell, love it. Pecans, chocolate, mild vanilla, caramel and molasses; total dessert smell and it's great. Sometimes it smells more like typical porter beer with a strong malty, alcoholic scent upfront. Taste hits in the back of the tongue with bitter chocolate malts. Perfect balance of alcohol and dessert, and at 7%, it's surprisingly drinkable. However, even though it was excellent right out of the bottle, after 16 oz, I was ready for something else. This was a bomber, so 22 oz, and that felt like a little too much. The sickly sweet nature starts to lose itself on me after the first pint, and the last 6 oz feels wasted. I still really liked it but I'll pour it next time and do the pint first and then refrigerate the other 6 oz for later. RECOMMENDED.
On my Friday off work I am boozing mid-day with a Wild Blue Blueberry Lager. It smells like a mixture of really bad socks and blueberry when you open up the bottle. It pours a pinkish red. It has a light, super sweet blueberry like flavor with the texture of a super cheap wine. I'm not sure I'd drink this again or recommend it.

Tonight I will probably be drinking $1.00 PBRs. Hooray for that piss-water tasting beer.
Had a bottle of Young's Double Chocolate Stout last night along with something new for me, Wychwood's Hobgoblin Dark English Ale.

Young's...well, that's the first time I've had it out of a bottle (poured) rather than straight out of a can or can poured into pint glass. It was slightly less chocolate-tasting with more alcohol flavor and the trademark chocolate malts. I love Young's, that shit is probably my favorite beer overall, but it's a better deal to get four cans for 10 bucks than a bottle for 5 bucks, I guess.

The Hobgoblin was an interesting creature; poured into a pint glass, it had a frothy head that dissipated quickly, and a somewhat fruity smell along with chocolate and toffee malts, as it says on the back label. There are little hints of caramel and various fruity tastes in there that made the taste pop a little more, as well. I enjoyed it but at 6 bucks a bottle, I'd probably go with something of a style I like more than English ale, such as an oatmeal stout or straight porter.
went to the stone brewery yesterday. it was cool because they were actually working on a collaboration with Green Flash and Pizza Port on a scotch ale (!!!) and we got to taste the wort which was fucking delicious. It was like liquid cereal. I could totally have it for breakfast.

Got a growler of the 10.10.10 Vertical Epic. Sweet tits I can't wait to dig into that tomorrow night. At the bistro my buddies and I each had the Stone IPA on Cask made with Simcoe Hops. SO FUCKING GOOD. Delicious, smooth, tasty...this is how good beer tastes. Anytime a beer is on cask at your local pub/bar GET IT and enjoy. Also had a Green Flash Palate Wrecker IIPA. The name was fairly accurate. Pretty overwhelming. As it warmed, the malty bits came out which made the beer taste kind of funky. I wouldn't get it again.

all in all, another successful stone brewery run. really looking forward to the scotch ale collaboration
is anyone a mead expert? thinking of buying my brother a really nice bottle of it for christmas, but I don't know shit and he's basically just been turned on for roughly 6 months since he returned from eurasia

Yes, i'm well acquainted with mead, really depends on what his taste is. I suggest Lurgashall Christmas Mead, probably the smoothest i've ever had, quite delicious.

Yes, i'm well acquainted with mead, really depends on what his taste is. I suggest Lurgashall Christmas Mead, probably the smoothest i've ever had, quite delicious.


is there a style of mead that that pertains to? such as beer in dark ale, stout etc etc..just so maybe I could fish out some information for him, appreciate it man
is there a style of mead that that pertains to? such as beer in dark ale, stout etc etc..just so maybe I could fish out some information for him, appreciate it man

A good question sir, i'm not entirely certain if 'styles' exist. I know one can purchase mead blended with scotch/whiskey or fruits, ect. ect. Regarding an actual style, i've never noticed any of the mead i've had to be categorized like beer. If he tends to enjoy a much stronger mead i suggest Viking Blod. I couldn't stomach Viking Blod, way too strong, it's 19% alch. content. Generally, a mead around 10-15%, in my opinion, are the smoothest and tastiest. I would definitely recommend not purchasing from Redstone Meadery, had their raspberry mead once and it tasted like trite shit. Also, i suggest purchasing only mead made entirely from honey or blended with scotch/whiskey, nothing with added fruits, though this is the purest in me speaking.


Viking Blod is made in Norway I believe and the bottle is a keeper, just SUPER strong for a mead.
I got pretty stupid last night drinking some Unibroue Trois Pistoles. I would do one of those reviews, but I really don't know what I'm talking about there. All I know is it had a great dark brown color to it and a nice creamy head. Surprisingly drinkable for a 9% abv, but you can definitely taste the alcohol.
I really need to grab me a 4 pack of that. Unibroue always scores consistently high reviews on BA, and, as I think I mentioned here, La Fin du Monde is a hardcore, not fucking around Belgian tripel.

RE: mead, according to Wiki, there are of course LOTS of different kinds of mead. Wherever there's something people will become obsessed with, there is always categorization and in-depth analysis.