
Bought another bottle of the Clown Shoes Pecan Pie Porter to give it a shot poured this time. Much better aroma, even stronger in terms of the intensity of dessert scent, but a bit more mellow in terms of character. What struck me is the incredible lack of head, even from a normal pour; almost nonexistent ring of off-white fuzz, very sticky though and it clings to the side of the glass really well. I can taste a bit more fruity phenols(?) or something in there when it's poured. Warms way better poured too (more alcohol flavor throughout). This is a complex fucking drink, I'm a big fan. Definitely a multiple-repeat buy. Mike/unknown, I should've shipped you a bottle of this for Christmas!

I even paired it with a pecan roll we happened to have a box of in the house. Nice!

edit: oh god, this is so great paired with this fucking dessert, I'll probably die of a sugar overdose here, but so worth it.

edit2: I guess I poured it way too slow because a quicker pour on the second glass (less than a pint) yielded a normal head for a porter; tan/off-white with thick lacing. Guess I was wrong. Anyway, that doesn't really matter, this shit tastes great.
Re: mead, according to Wiki, there are of course LOTS of different kinds of mead. Wherever there's something people will become obsessed with, there is always categorization and in-depth analysis.

I concur, meads fermented with honey from different flowers, with different fruits, with different alcohols, ect. ect. but i don't think there is a classification system like thus with beer. Every mead i've ever drank was simply 'mead' or 'mead fermented with....'
Eh, not sure. I bought a big bottle of it and it was a chore to finish the whole thing. I'm not sure how it tastes on tap, but I bet you could finish a pint of it. And I do think it's delicious, it's just so damn rich.
So, who else has tried Goose Island's Bourbon Country Stout? It's so damn thick, it's like syrup.

it's fucking amazing. definitely a sipper and something to be enjoyed with a friend.

andy: yeah I'm gonna look around on the net for that Pecan pie porter and order me a bottle. it sounds too good.
I had a lot of new beers last night, too many new beers..

I had Breckenridge Vanilla Porter, it was dark, smokey with a vanilla after taste, pretty good.. I also had Youngs Double Chocolate Stout poured on top of a 3/4th full glass of Framboise, equally good.. I also had a ton of local dark beers, but at this point I was beyond remembering the name of any of them. Never doing that again.. I wish drinking classy beer gave you a classy hangover instead of a regular one.
I got pretty stupid last night drinking some Unibroue Trois Pistoles. I would do one of those reviews, but I really don't know what I'm talking about there. All I know is it had a great dark brown color to it and a nice creamy head. Surprisingly drinkable for a 9% abv, but you can definitely taste the alcohol.

Eh, despite the strength, I think most Unibroue beers hide the alcohol well, Trois Pistoles included. If you like that one, give La Terrible a try; slightly stronger with slightly more depth of flavor. Trios Pistoles and Maudite (one of my favorite labels) were 2 of the 3 beers that got me into good beer (Spaten Optimator was the other).
Unibroue beers are deceptively alcoholic by nature; they do a really good job up in America's Hat at masking the alcohol flavor with very complex spices and interesting kinds of hops/malts.
Tried out some Newcastle Brown Ale's tonight while watching Valhalla Rising. Movie was better then the beer, but both were good. Poured very nicely. Dark brown/reddish tint to it. Creamy head that went away quickly. I can't comment on how it tasted. I'm not really sure on that one. I could see myself purchasing it again in the future.
Newcastle is a fantastic draft beer, but a less-than-stellar bottle/bottle-pour, in my experience. It was one of the first drinks I had at a bar after I turned 21, and it's still my favorite regular English brown. It works really well with bar food of all kinds and is a smooth drinker. The aftertaste has a nice bite to it and the pour is attractive for such an ubiquitous brown ale. I always make sure to get at least one at bars that have it.