
yeah it's pretty neat. I'm sure it's made Dogfish's sales surge. Sam seems like a pretty cool guy. He's written quite a few books on brewing beer, so he clearly knows what he's doing
because you're a girl

:lol: :erk:

So, 'spose I should keep this board up to date on some opinions. Disregard the localese, these were originially posted on Facebook with pics of the bottles:

Harpoon Winter Warmer. Old Court's got it on tap (rightmost beer). Scored a 6-pack and split it with [insert friend's name redacted for privacy]; starts up front with a lot of spices and alcohol, continues with a bit of bitterness and goes down smooth. The alcohol taste up front is kind of bizarre but the beer is drinkable, warms well and feels kind of light despite being more of an amber-brown ale at a comfortable 5.5%. It's better on tap but this beer doesn't deserve the bad name it gets around BA (though the reviews are old); a very wintery flavored brew with the right spiciness/flavor to beer ratio. Only thing is, Fezziwig's actually better, but you can't score it in 6-packs or on tap. For value, this one wins.


Harpoon Chocolate Stout. Really, really excellent beer; I'm a big fan of thick chocolate and/or coffee flavored, malty beers and this doesn't disappoint in pure flavor. Not as _malty_ as most of the more diverse stouts from what I understand, but awesome regardless. It isn't a complex drink; I agree with the reviews claiming it to be one-dimensional, but if that single dimension is tasty, who cares? Almost rivals Young's for me, loved it.

Harpoon's 2 for 2 here with me, though I have read some negative reviews for each. In particular for the Winter Warmer...however, I stopped caring when I saw that the Alstrom Bros' reviews were from like a decade ago so fuck believing that.
Anyone watching the new show about Dogfish Head Brewery called Brewmasters? I'm pretty addicted to it.

I wanted to try the Bitch's Brew. I believe that may have been the first episode. I don't really watch much TV.

I recently tried Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat, it tastes a lot like Fruity Pebbles to me.
It's tasty, you totally should. Another fruity beer I recently tried was a strawberry flavored beer, believe it is Belgium wheat beer, called Fruli. It was good going down but left a sort of strange after taste. Still good, but prefer my framboise.
We have (had? Idk) something on tap at the brewery around here (same one I got a parking ticket at last week because apparently all curbs are off limits :rolleyes:) that was beer with beets in the mix (called Beetlejuice, what a clever name). Tasted pretty horrible. My friend said it was like "fruit punch beer" but it tasted more like shitty Kool-Aid with a very minor alcoholic aftertaste and I immediately dismissed it offhand as being "not worthy"
The one time I had Fruli, I remember it tasting like liquid strawberry jelly. totally bizarre. and ditto on Leinenkugel's tasting like Fruity Pebbles :zombie:
is anyone a mead expert? thinking of buying my brother a really nice bottle of it for christmas, but I don't know shit and he's basically just been turned on for roughly 6 months since he returned from eurasia
I've always wanted to try mead, but no place around here sells it...have to buy it online. I'd say look around, check out some reviews and just kind of wing it.