Belladonna & Bush (yes, again).


New Metal Member
Sep 29, 2006
I have no desire to get into any kind of argument about this, I was just hoping to say how I feel about the situation.

I think how Anthrax dealt, in regards to their fans, with the switch from Bush back to Belladonna was kind of fucked up.

Now maybe I missed something, it's certainly possible, but I didn't hear anything in the whereabouts of a clear cut explanation of why it happened. Of course, Anthrax isn't required, by any means, to give excuses or reasons for their actions, but for a band who has always been very open and close with their fans, I find it very odd.

I grew up listening to Anthrax, saw them many times, hung out with some of them, supported them when they switched to Bush (although always favored the Belladonna records), and remained loyal to the band that seemed to care about me and their other fans just as much as I and we cared about them. It's what made them one of my favorite bands.

I admired how they continued to do what they wanted to do in spite of the lack of commercial success. Of course, I was always rooting for them to do well.

The switch back to to Joey didn't make too much sense to me at first. It seemed like a step backwards. I was excited at the prospect of seeing them again with the "classic" lineup, but certainly had mixed feelings about it. It was never clear, and still isn't, whether Joey is a permanent replacement or not. I mean, after how long can it still be called a reunion? It would sort of suck to settle in to the idea of Joey being back permanently and them switch again.

My thoughts on the matter: Anthrax was going nowhere making records and touring with Bush. They made ten-or-so years of records together and were at a stand-still, not making any money. The only was they could continue to survive as a band was to regroup with the most successful lineup. I, of course, don't know if this is true or not, but it's the only reasonable explanation that I can come up with.

Unless John flat out quit, the situation must've sucked for him. I don't believe this bullshit about not being able to talk about it for legal reasons. I think that Scott and Charlie having to come flat out and say that they need to re-visit their glory days, in spite of the problems that led them to split with Joey, Dan, and even Frank, in the first place, felt too much like they were selling out. If they did this for the money, it WAS selling out. That's what selling out means. I don't fault them for it, I understand having to do what you have to do to survive, but be honest about it. You'll get more respect that way.

Thanks. End of tirade. Mosh it up.
aqswdefr said:
Now maybe I missed something, it's certainly possible, but I didn't hear anything in the whereabouts of a clear cut explanation of why it happened. Of course, Anthrax isn't required, by any means, to give excuses or reasons for their actions, but for a band who has always been very open and close with their fans, I find it very odd.
the reasoning given:
Black Thirteen said:
This tour has been great for us. Why? New audience. That's why we did it. 8000 people in Little Rock is why. 4000 in Grand Rapids is why.
Black Thirteen said:
Without this reunion the band was over. I've said it 100 times.
Black Thirteen = Scott Ian just in case you didn't know
This tour has been great for us. Why? New audience. That's why we did it. 8000 people in Little Rock is why. 4000 in Grand Rapids is why.

I think that response was given as to why they were opening for Zombie.

Either way it doesn't matter. I was swimming the other day and my mind tends to wonder on random crap. Rember that interview with spitz where he crapped on everyone and their mother? I for whatever reaon thought about that and how they kept him in the band anyway. Then I figured these guys must be desperate to put up with that so the situation must have been bleak. Then I felt sorry for them.
aqswdefr said:
I have no desire to get into any kind of argument about this, I was just hoping to say how I feel about the situation.
Whenever someone starts a thread like this, it always ends up in a JB vs. JB argument.
Anyway, welcome to board, I hope you brought enough beer for everyone!:kickass:
I don't even care which JB fronts the band. I look at each one as a totally different band. The differences run deeper than just a lead singer. Besides, any disdain I have for Anthrax at this point has little to do with who sings for them. It just seems like Scott and Charlie have become the Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons of Anthrax. "Black Thirteen" confirms that by pointing to the tour attendance. It isn't about the music, it is about the $$$
My opinion has been the same since this whole thing started........
I like either singer, and I support the reunion or whatever else they want to do. I've probably seen about 3 different lineups, and never been disappointed in a live show. Whatever happens or happened between all of them doesn't really matter to me. Right about now, all I'm asking for is some NEW material, no matter who's playing it.
Just my opinion.....
fah-q said:
I don't even care which JB fronts the band. I look at each one as a totally different band. The differences run deeper than just a lead singer. Besides, any disdain I have for Anthrax at this point has little to do with who sings for them. It just seems like Scott and Charlie have become the Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons of Anthrax. "Black Thirteen" confirms that by pointing to the tour attendance. It isn't about the music, it is about the $$$

Coming out soon...
The Anthrax Condom and Thrax Casket. Also, Scott will be attempting to release his own magazine and reality show based around his life
fah-q said:
I don't even care which JB fronts the band. I look at each one as a totally different band. The differences run deeper than just a lead singer. Besides, any disdain I have for Anthrax at this point has little to do with who sings for them. It just seems like Scott and Charlie have become the Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons of Anthrax. "Black Thirteen" confirms that by pointing to the tour attendance. It isn't about the music, it is about the $$$
Well, while I totally agree with the first two sentences, I can't possibly see comparing Scott and Charlie to Paul and Gene. I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out the tour attendence.
What I fail to understand is this:

There are hundreds, no, thousands of metal bands that never achieve half the success that Anthrax has had over the last 25 years, yet THEY are able to continue without having to change members to save the future of the band.

For example, bands like Kreator or Nevermore. These bands may only sell 40K records in the States (this is a real rough guess estimate BTW) and they seem to be happy with what they do musically to get by. Anthrax sold a lot more than this and I thought WCFYA did really well in the Europe too, so what am I missing here?
timmyc said:
What I fail to understand is this:

There are hundreds, no, thousands of metal bands that never achieve half the success that Anthrax has had over the last 25 years, yet THEY are able to continue without having to change members to save the future of the band.

For example, bands like Kreator or Nevermore. These bands may only sell 40K records in the States (this is a real rough guess estimate BTW) and they seem to be happy with what they do musically to get by. Anthrax sold a lot more than this and I thought WCFYA did really well in the Europe too, so what am I missing here?

Well, it's really not any of your business (or mine), but since this complaint never seems to go away, I will say this...

Anthrax got into a lot of bad business deals that really fucked them over. What they are, I don't even know. But just think of how many different deals bands have to make in order to function. We can point to some pretty obvious things that have gone screwey. They split with Elektra because they "dropped the ball." Ignition went belly up, as did Beyond. Sanctuary was supposed to be good, but it turns out they sucked too. Remember when Motley Crue essentially kicked them off their tour? Remember the tour with Ripper Priest that got postponed because of 9/11? I've noticed they have a new company doing something important for them now. (I'm not going to say what to protect the innocent. You'll have to trust me here.) Over and over, they've had so much shit thrown their way. There's only so much shit one band can take.

The rest will have to be a mystery.
Delphi - I take all that on board mate - I do, really. But all these events you've mentioned happened 5 years + ago.

WCFYA was the best record Anthrax put out in 10 years, and it put them back on the metal map in a lot of places - Australia included. It put them back on the map in Europe too.

My point is it did a lot better than so many other bands could ever hope for and it seemed the band was in a much better position in 2005 than it was in 5- 6 years. Never has a band baffled me as much!
What I don't understand is- why does everyone think Justin's screen name has an 'h' in it? It's jdelpi not jdelphi.

No offense, timmy. I've almost spelled it that way too. I just want to know WHY? Is it because of that company Delphi? I want answers!
Don't know if anyone else caught this, but in the issue of Revolver magazine with that faggot from Avenged Sevenfold, James, & Lars on the cover, Scott interviews Gene Simmons and Gene said something along the lines of "the only reason KISS & Anthrax reunited with their classic line-ups was for higher ticket sales." Scotts response?

Gene $immons is a pecker head who hasn't written a good song in about 20 years. he'd replace himself in kiss if he could get away with it. I'm not interested in anything that comes out of his mouth .
ThraxDude said:
What I don't understand is- why does everyone think Justin's screen name has an 'h' in it? It's jdelpi not jdelphi.

No offense, timmy. I've almost spelled it that way too. I just want to know WHY? Is it because of that company Delphi? I want answers!

Well there you go. I've been coming here for all these years and always thought it to be Delphi - sorry Justin - you've never corrected me on that one and I must've typed it 20 times over the years, ha!

As for why Thrax - no idea. Obviously it just embedded itself in my brain and stayed there. Oh and no offence taken. :cool:
jdelpi said:
Well, it's really not any of your business (or mine), but since this complaint never seems to go away, I will say this...

Anthrax got into a lot of bad business deals that really fucked them over. What they are, I don't even know. But just think of how many different deals bands have to make in order to function. We can point to some pretty obvious things that have gone screwey. They split with Elektra because they "dropped the ball." Ignition went belly up, as did Beyond. Sanctuary was supposed to be good, but it turns out they sucked too. Remember when Motley Crue essentially kicked them off their tour? Remember the tour with Ripper Priest that got postponed because of 9/11? I've noticed they have a new company doing something important for them now. (I'm not going to say what to protect the innocent. You'll have to trust me here.) Over and over, they've had so much shit thrown their way. There's only so much shit one band can take.

The rest will have to be a mystery.

Well the band never seemed to recover properly after SOWN and being dropped by Elektra and its a shame this new company couldnt do something important like keep John Bush in the band.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Don't know if anyone else caught this, but in the issue of Revolver magazine with that faggot from Avenged Sevenfold, James, & Lars on the cover, Scott interviews Gene Simmons and Gene said something along the lines of "the only reason KISS & Anthrax reunited with their classic line-ups was for higher ticket sales." Scotts response?

Scott "absolutely" makes my point for me. Anthrax has jumped the shark.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Don't know if anyone else caught this, but in the issue of Revolver magazine with that faggot from Avenged Sevenfold, James, & Lars on the cover, Scott interviews Gene Simmons and Gene said something along the lines of "the only reason KISS & Anthrax reunited with their classic line-ups was for higher ticket sales." Scotts response?

Did anyone consider the thought that maybe Scott wasn't serious?