Best album of the year so far...

Where did you get that new GLYDER disc? How does it compare to the previous one? Is it heavier?

I've not yet seen a hardcopy at retail, so I bought it from iTunes.
It's not heavier but the songwriter has been turned up a notch. I really dug the debut but I think blows it out of the water.

New songs are available for a listen on their Myspace page!
And since I live in the United States then they are 2008 releases for me! :lol:


I don't live in USA and I managed to get the original releases from USA distributors in due time. I'm amazed it took so long for some here to get the albums easily available online at normal prices (actually cheaper if you´re inside USA, my S&H charges are way higher).

Anyway, I always wondered that since Japan and Europe usually get the releases first what should be considered the real date? I guess is a discussion that can be settled by checking the copyright date on the album.
I am also anxiously awaiting the new Glyder album. I'm thinking of buying it off SNOCAP on their Myspace page, but I can't find any documentation on the quality of the mp3s...sounds like you're at the mercy of the band and what quality they want to upload.

Best albums of '08 for me are the new Ayreon, Rage, and Benedictum. The new Avantasia sounds good as well, but I've only heard it a few times so far. Of course, the new Jon Oliva's Pain is coming out next month and I expect that to land very high on my list.

As for what year an album is released, no matter where you live, I think the copyright on the cd should be the determining factor. For us in the U.S., maybe we should include a special section in our top-10 lists (or use an asterik*) to note albums that may have been previous year releases but weren't available to us until the current year. Not that it really matters much, the world won't stop spinning if someone chooses to include a late 2007 release in their best of '08 lists. :lol:
Delusions - To-Mera (will probably remain best album of the whole year).

Looking forward to the new Esoteric album..
Not that it really matters much, the world won't stop spinning if someone chooses to include a late 2007 release in their best of '08 lists. :lol:

The problem will be that last year I bought albums older than 10 years better than the stuff of 2007, wouldn't that be silly to include them in the top ten? :p
The problem will be that last year I bought albums older than 10 years better than the stuff of 2007, wouldn't that be silly to include them in the top ten? :p

Yes, THAT would be silly. But albums released late in the year overseas, with U.S. releases in the first couple months of the following year should at least be allowed an asterik* if a person so chooses. I agree whole-heartedly though, that albums should be officially listed as the copyright year on the cd itself and I'll follow that rule myself. I just edit my top-10 list at a later date, which means my January list of the past year may look a bit different in June.
Yes, THAT would be silly. But albums released late in the year overseas, with U.S. releases in the first couple months of the following year should at least be allowed an asterik* if a person so chooses. I agree whole-heartedly though, that albums should be officially listed as the copyright year on the cd itself and I'll follow that rule myself. I just edit my top-10 list at a later date, which means my January list of the past year may look a bit different in June.

Seems reasonable to me, scary I'm agreeing with you :heh:

NP: Concept Of God - 'Traces'
Some albums released in January have copyrights from the previous year, so that may throw a wrench in the works.:lol:

For example;

Van Halen - 1984
Copyright = 1983
released = 1/9/1984

maybe few and far between, but just a thought.
Seems reasonable to me, scary I'm agreeing with you :heh:

That is scary! Maybe the earth did stop spinning for a moment...:lol:

Some albums released in January have copyrights from the previous year, so that may throw a wrench in the works.:lol:

For example;

Van Halen - 1984
Copyright = 1983
released = 1/9/1984

maybe few and far between, but just a thought.

True, and I don't have an answer for that. :hypno:
I do but I am not going to tell anyone!! :lol::heh:

As your mod I command you to!
Perfect Example: Final Stage - Through the Mirror
Released: Nov 30, 2007. Recorded in 2007. Copyright 2007.

Most websites say 2008. As was our official release in Germany and several other countries.

So there ya go. :p
Good week again, as I obtained new Death Angel, Biomechanical, and Cavalera Conspiracy. I think CC is the best of the 3, and Biomechanical the least favorite. I don't really care much for the Avantasia either.