best death metal-albums!!!

Life Sucks said:
Brodequin, Devourment, and Sect of Execration are pretty much the only brutal death metal bands I can think of with truly horrible production. The worst that brutal dm production gets otherwise is that the drums are too high in the mix and the blasting drowns out the riffs.

Agreed. That tinny snare drum sound is often taken too far.
You know all those late 90's awful brutal american Death Metal labels like say united gutteral that ripped bands off not even giving them a decent budget in the first place that end up folding later on. I can't help but laugh and hate american death metal past a certain point. All the bands and labels just have the worst brutal gore death metal and everything about these scenes are a joke. It's just like a bunch of whiggers trying to play death metal.

Death metal does have to have some class and style to me anyways. It's not a stupid musical genre like a lot of people think. When you have bands like this it dumbs down the genre giving people an idea that death metal is not a serious form of music. If we had a lot of quality bands at the sametime like say in the late 80's and early 90's it would really help the genre.

European musicians just have this ability to grasp playing better with a guinuine sense of style to me. New american brutal death metal bands are pretty much equivalant to nu-metal for 13 year olds. I just want to smack them with my jackson guitar :lol:

I guess I can't except that fact that no new death metal bands will release albums that are even 15% as good as my favorite early 90's death metal albums. What do you do in metal when barely anything being released out does nothing for you. I guess I will just listen to the same albums until it really get old. I guess you can't be into metal your entire life who knows.
Those who say Swedish death metal is just about melody can't have looked far beyond MTV. Just listen to great bands like Deranged, Visceral Bleeding, Aeon, Anata, Bloodbath, Insision, Killaman, Murder Corporation, Soils of Fate, Sordid, Stabwound, Vomitory and Spawn of Possession.
Authentic Metalhead said:
The Sound of Perseverance IS a death metal album. Sure, it's not intensely fast or brutal, but it IS aggressive. It's progressive death metal.
Its most glaring flaw is the overproduction. It doesn't fit the album at all, which completely ruins it for me as well. The musianship may be great but it all sounds so soulless and tiresome. I'm not an ardent fan of ITP too but the rest of Death's catalogue ranges from decent(Spiritual Healing) to great(Leprosy, Human, Symbolic, etc)
DarkBliss said:
Its most glaring flaw is the overproduction. It doesn't fit the album at all, which completely ruins it for me as well. The musianship may be great but it all sounds so soulless and tiresome. I'm not an ardent fan of ITP too but the rest of Death's catalogue ranges from decent(Spiritual Healing) to great(Leprosy, Human, Symbolic, etc)
The vocals on that album are HORRIBLE as well. They are so much higher pitched than the vocals on the other albums, and I find them very irritating.
The vocals and music are not death metal at all on the sounds of perseverance. Chuck was never a good vocalist but after Human his vocals actually kinda get on my nerves. Chuck really tried to draw out the songs on this album making it epic and it just did not work imo. It's not a bad album but nothing amazing or groundbreaking. I also thought control denied sucked.
I guess I disagree with a lot of you then. Chuck is my favorite death metal vocalist. I loved how he was able to go from the shouty growls of his earlier days to the more melodic, high pitched vocals. It's not like he sounded like Dani Filth or something. I think he was more like Mille Petrozza.
I think Sounds Of Perseverance is probably one of the best albums I've ever listened to. I do admit it is not a real death metal album, it's more prog/tech/thrash/melodic death. But I still say it is one of the best albums ever.
I think the music was pretty soulful actually. There was a lot of feeling in the music. Especially Voice Of The Soul. I cannot actually do this since I am a man, but that song could almost make me cry.
Metal head87 said:
I do admit it is not a real death metal album, it's more prog/tech/thrash/melodic death.

Progressive death, technical death, deathrash, and melodic death metal are still considered death metal. Therefore, I consider that album to be death metal, despite how much its sound may differ from what is universally accepted as "death metal".

Chuck is one of my favorite DM vocalists as well. He has a lot more personality in his voice than a lot of others *cough*Chris Barnes*cough*. And he's a kick-ass guitarist as well. I saw one of their live shows and I loved it.
I know what you mean. He sounded like nobody else. I like many other death metal vocalists, including Barnes, but nobody can hold a candle to Chuck. When you listen to him, you know who you're listening to.
He was one of those guitarists and vocalists that you just watch him perform as opposed to running around on stage or whatever. You actually watch his vocal delivery, and you watch his hands and fingers for his guitar work. It was amazing how he did so little on stage but was so charismatic and he had such control over the audience and viewers. There will never be anyone like him.
I am pissed that I never got the chance to see him live in person. All I have are bootlegs and the Live In LA (I actually didn't get the Eindhoven one yet for some reason).
I love TSP. I think it is an incredible album.

Metal head87 said:
I know what you mean. He sounded like nobody else. I like many other death metal vocalists, including Barnes, but nobody can hold a candle to Chuck. When you listen to him, you know who you're listening to.
He was one of those guitarists and vocalists that you just watch him perform as opposed to running around on stage or whatever. You actually watch his vocal delivery, and you watch his hands and fingers for his guitar work. It was amazing how he did so little on stage but was so charismatic and he had such control over the audience and viewers. There will never be anyone like him.
I am pissed that I never got the chance to see him live in person. All I have are bootlegs and the Live In LA (I actually didn't get the Eindhoven one yet for some reason).

I also agree with all of this.
Arch Enemy - Black Earth,
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance,
Possessed - Seven Churches,
Death - Symbolic,
Mithras - Worlds Beyond The Veil,
Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus,
Autopsy - Severed Survival,
Bolt Thrower - War Master,
Necrophagist - Epitaph,
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence,