Jrgen said:Those who say Swedish death metal is just about melody can't have looked far beyond MTV. Just listen to great bands like Deranged, Visceral Bleeding, Aeon, Anata, Bloodbath, Insision, Killaman, Murder Corporation, Soils of Fate, Sordid, Stabwound, Vomitory and Spawn of Possession.
Metal head87 said:I guess I disagree with a lot of you then. Chuck is my favorite death metal vocalist. I loved how he was able to go from the shouty growls of his earlier days to the more melodic, high pitched vocals. It's not like he sounded like Dani Filth or something. I think he was more like Mille Petrozza.
fat bastard said:i dont think he sounds like mille but i love his latter day vocals. sounds like a more extreme version of painkiller era halford. i wish the earlier albums utilized them because i think that he had some of the best vocals of that type. could he pull it off live though?
fat bastard said:theres still lots of melody in bloodbath and it doesnt hurt them one bit. the band is a good example of how i think death should sound. and the vocals destroy all those bands with the brutal deep vocals that you cant even decipher.
I didn't mean it was LIKE Mille. I meant that is was more like Mille in that it was kind of that higher pitched shrieking, instead of that Dani Fag sound.fat bastard said:i dont think he sounds like mille but i love his latter day vocals. sounds like a more extreme version of painkiller era halford. i wish the earlier albums utilized them because i think that he had some of the best vocals of that type. could he pull it off live though?
Jrgen said:Nightmares Made Flesh is a brilliant album. A lot better than Ressurection Through Carnage. And I'm not that interested in lyrics, so it's not a big deal for me if I can decipher what is sung or not. If they have something to say, they can write a book.
This is the truth. The lyrics aren't the point for brutal death, it's the sound and intensity of the vocals.Leiland said:For me, and many others i would think, vocals such as in brutal death metal bands is seen by me as just another instrument, not the vocalising of lyrics.
The Greys said:I actually liked Tagtgrens vocals on nightmares made flesh. His vocals sounded more lower than in hypcrisy. Hypocrisy's melodes are second rate and their old albums are generic. can't stand them
The riffs and production job on Nightmares Made Flesh is pretty much mindblowing. Only oldschoolers can make newer death metal sound good like this.
Leiland said:The Sound of Perseverance is a very unique album, as is Control Denied - The fragile art of existance.
Theres nothing you can really compare both too, is there?
Perseverance is definetly death metal, with what ever additional genre bullshit you want or can add it to it. The vocals suit the album, they are different like the music as Chuck progressed and changed every album, for the better, because he wasn't content with using the same format just to please fans or what ever, he wanted to "persevere". It's not my favourite Death album but i am damn glad it exists, i can't see why half of you bitch about it's existance so much. (who ever said Painkiller was a secret song or whatever... it's on every album as a normal cover song isn't it.... not some "secret")
The Fragile Art didn't seem like much to me when i first heard it and i didn't like the vocals much, but now i can hear all its greatness. When you do finally understand it for what it's worth, not only do you find Chucks great guitarwork as usual, but some great bass and drum work that i can't really compare with anything. I'm not saying it's the greatest most technicle stuff ever, it's just very unique and well done. And the singing grows on you up to the point that you cannot help but singing along.
RIP Chuck![]()
The Greys said:Cookiecutter i'm going to have a present for you in a bit so don't go anywhere. I know how you like brutal death metal metal!
The Greys said:Oldschool death metal is a lot more weird evil and sinister to my ears. The songs are written better actually putting across an atmosphere and picture of what the band is trying to get across. This entire aspect of death metal died after a certain time. You have bands now that are just brutal in a typical way or just technical without being alittle memorable. Old death metal actually sounds unorthodox and creepy.