Best movie of the year...

haha! someone here said "the village". i was gonna say that but as a joke. i thought it was the worst the worst film perpetrated opon the comsuming public ever. at least movies like "harold and kumar...." and "dude...." hold no pretenses. m. night who-gives-a-shit and his handlers try to make him out to be alfred hitchcock. no. just no. "the village" fucking sucked and i will never buy a shyamalan product again.
Best movies for me-2004


1. The Passion of the Christ
1. The Village

Great filmaking and cinematography. I loved M. night's The Village. Super twist and great storyline. Not like Signs or S Sense but a close 2nd for him. I love the man.

2. The terminal- Love Tom hanks

3. The Notebook- Great story

*** Of Note- going to see The Forgotten this weekend. I will likely like this film. Julianne Moore is a hotty !!
LoneWolfMusic said:
I loved M. night's The Village. Super twist and great storyline. Not like Signs or S Sense but a close 2nd for him. I love the man.
oh my god dude. the twist was obvious about ten minutes into it...right before i fell into a boredom-induced coma. the incessant and meaningless monologues about drove me insane. oh well. not cracking on your opinion, i just sincerely cant see how anyone can think this movie is good. maybe you are joking?
I can't believe that HERO has only been mentioned one time!!!! The best movie of the year, metaphoric and the best story line, and the hottest asian girl I've ever seen.

shrek 2 following up, kill bill 2 was a major dissappointment, maybe because after seeing the first one I was specting something much more intense.

Anyways one of the highlights of the DVD is the soundtrack and the live performance by CHINGON a mexican flamenco band, and lately I've found myself with an appeal to classic guitar, so this was a nice treat. As for CHINGON, their guitarplaying is awesome, technical yet with feeling.

Although in their website the samples are only 30 seconds long, they have a cover of "la cucaracha" which I think was really kick ass. So make sure you check out

PD: this post wasn't intended to make propanganda of chingon, I just wanted to share the Info with the X'ers
I still say the best this year are Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Dawn of the Dead (zombie movies kick sooooo much fucking ass) and Shrek 2.

I just saw the grudge. It was alright. not great.
I hated Kill Bill. I skipped II because the fucks wouldn't give me my money back for the first one. Butterfly Effect was passable. The Chronicles of Riddick was okay. The prison section made up for the somewhat lack luster rest of the movie. RE looked just like the game... boring so I never saw it so I don't know.

EDIT: Shrek II was funny as hell... but not as funny as Shrek I.
None of you have said Team America yet, and i'm a little suprised. I'll warrant that all it does is makes fun of everyone else and some of you may not like the message or something like that, but puppet sex? no one else. If you haven't seen it yet and you want to laugh your ass off, do yourself a favor and go see it
SilentRealm said:
i thought signs really sucked the big one.. shocking movie, so the village doesnt look any better, think ill give this one a huge miss
I haven't seen "The Village" so I can't comment on it, but I have to say that I thought the "6th Sense" was a great movie. The slow, drawn out development fit that story perfectly. Then, when the same slow, draw out development showed up in "Signs", I was intensely disappointed. Although I didn't think "Signs" wasn't a terrible movie, I felt the end was very predictable and kind of lame.

If "The Village" is done in that same M. Night Shamaylan slow, draw out development, then I think I'll pass on it. He really needs to put a little more life into his movies if he's going to remain a superstar writer/director in the future. And I'm one of those people who can watch an intensely boring movie if it has a really good story.
Yngvai X said:
Just saw The Grudge and I thought that was pretty awsome.

I mean, it was alright while you were watching it, but it had no lingering value.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind HANDS DOWN unless that was last year. In which case, i have no idea. Not alot of good movies recently....kill bill was well overrated.

EDIT: just read a few posts up....and granted, shaun of the dead was hilarious, its just that i normally dont think of comedy films as most of them are american and lame.
Yngvai X said:
I agree, it didn't really stay with me the way The Ring did...I still found it an extremely creepy, enjoyable horror movie.
I agree with that. I mean, i was pretty creeped out when i was watching it, but when i left the theater, i was like "uh.... why am i not freaked out anymore? :lol:
I haven't seen much movies this year. But I would say my two favorite are The House of Sand and Fog and Eternal Sunshine of the SPotless mind.

House of Sand and FOg taught me that that beauty is dangerous, and that there is really no rose without thorns.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind showed me that Love is blind and those immersed in love make irrational decisions.