Best movie of the year...

MC Pee pants said:
None of you have said Team America yet, and i'm a little suprised. I'll warrant that all it does is makes fun of everyone else and some of you may not like the message or something like that, but puppet sex? no one else. If you haven't seen it yet and you want to laugh your ass off, do yourself a favor and go see it
I just saw this movie yesterday and yes, this is absolutely the FUNNIEST movie I've seen since "School Of Rock"; and probably even funnier. It's good to finally see something that makes fun of all the other inanity out there that no one in the media dare touches. 'Cuz there is a shitload of unused comedy out there just waiting to be tapped. Everyone should see this movie.

As far as "The Village" goes.....hands down it's M. Night Shyamalan's worst flick. While the twist was apparent to me early on in the film; I spent the whole time hoping for it not to be the case. A true waste of my $10.25
Shark Tale was bloody the worst piece of crap I ever had to sit through (well, theres been other movies to rival that honor, but damn). I can't stand movies that use lots of big names, advertising and pop culture to try and sell a movie because it has no storyline. Lately this seems the 'norm' for Will Smith.

I FINALLY got to see Kill Bill Vol 1 last night, though not sure if thats from this year or last, and I havent seen Vol 2 yet, and often Tarantino movies are slightly boring to me..I mean theyre good..BUT.. something about them has never hooked me. But this one I really liked. The appeal for me is seeing Uma kicking major ass. She was awesome in this movie (I've always liked her anyway).
SilentRealm said:
:lol:, yeah I dont normally like that guy at all, but Dude Wheres My Car? was a stellar movie for sure.. (I think my IQ just dropped about 50 points with that statement, however sarcastic it may be)

Let me tell you honestly (keep in mind i absolutely hate everything else he has done.....however i do like that 70's show) that he did a really good job in the Butterfly effect. The ending (the one i saw at least, apparently there are more than one) was It is a really good movie overall though.

I htink the year is young....i have high hopes for Alexander.