Best NON-Metal Albums of 2010

Disco song? Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains), yeah? If so, this is also my favourite. As well as Modern Man, Rococo, Month of May, City With No Children, We Used to Wait... yeah man, I love the whole album. I think it may have taken over This is Happening for AOTY thus far...

Yep, that one.

The new LCD seems to keep fading for me. At first listen I thought it was the album of the year, three months later #3 and now it's probably somewhere around #7 (then again, I've heard a lot of new stuff between now and then). Also an unnecessarily-long album. I actually prefer the latest Matthew Dear, which is similar (DJ who sings and such).

Here's to hoping that The Avalanches get their samples cleared in time for a 2010 release. :notworthy
Saw a review for this album on Pitchfork this morning:


The new LCD seems to keep fading for me. At first listen I thought it was the album of the year, three months later #3 and now it's probably somewhere around #7 (then again, I've heard a lot of new stuff between now and then). Also an unnecessarily-long album. I actually prefer the latest Matthew Dear, which is similar (DJ who sings and such).

Yeah. I think the same will happen with The Suburbs for me. I tend to overplay things. Both albums really are about two songs too long, I definitely agree there.

New Interpol in a couple of weeks. I'm a fan of the new 'Barricade' song, as un-original as it is. Interpol always sounds the same, but it always sounds so freaking good.
The Arcade Fire were so boring on whichever talk show they did last week... fuck! I never really listened before, but talk about vapid pretentious cunts. I hope they have other material that will prove me wrong.
I thoroughly enjoyed this Ken, which albums should I check out by these acts respectively? Portal wishes they could reach this level of dissonant enchantment.

Well, if you dig that song, check out UZ - Heresie. It's one of the darkest/sinister albums of all-time. Although quite different, their Clivages album from this year still holds my #1 spot.

As for Present, check out last year's album Barbaro - Ma Non Troppo.
Also, to Doomcifer: finally found my CD-R of the new BSS. And you're right. It's complete tits. Only listened once, but it's definitely a top 10 contender. Still trying to wrap my head around the new Kayo Dot. Track 4 is one of the best things they've ever done.

You need moe of this dude. Especially track 12; Romance To The Grave. :notworthy
Good idea. That's next.

Also been digging TOBACCO - Maniac Meat, solo stuff from the dude in Black Moth Super Rainbow. Beck's on two tracks. It rules.

"We can say it shows an extensive use of electronics (banjos and acoustic guitars give way to drum machines and analog synthesizers), and an obsession with cosmic fantasies (space, heaven, aliens, love), to create an explicit pop-song extravaganza, augmented by heavy orchestration, and maybe even a few danceable moments. Enjoy Your Rabbit meets the BQE. But with songs. Verse, chorus, bridge, backbeat. Gated reverb. Space echo."

"The title The Age of Adz (pronounced "odds") is a reference to the apocalyptic art of Royal Robertson (1930—1997), a Louisiana-based sign-maker (and self-proclaimed prophet) who suffered from schizophrenia. Robertson’s work depicts his vivid dreams and visions of space aliens, futuristic automobiles, eccentric monsters and signs of the Last Judgment. Portions of Stevens’ album use Robertson’s work as an idealistic springboard and a selection of Robertson’s drawings (his primary media were poster board, magic marker, and glitter) appear throughout the album art."

^That song is getting a lt of air-play on the radio station I listen to at work. It's catchy, if nothing else.

I am listening to the new Broken Social Scene for the first time now (yeah, I'm months behind), sounds good. Will listen more thoroughly tomorrow - gotta work in the morning.