Best of 2005 - new, old, on the fence, disappointing, and still to come

Henrik Main said:
Exmortem and Defleshed also have new records out, but I'm probably the only one who likes those bands. :\
Yep, you're probably right. :p Btw, I forgot to post in your Inferno thread (and now I can't be arsed to look for it) but it was a nice read, good job.

I don't think I've heard any 2005 releases so far but the ones I'm planning on are:

Hammers of Misfortune
Negura Bunget
Sigrblot (when/if the vinyl is released this year)
Nokturnal Mortum

The problem is that there are too many older releases that I know are worthwhile that I'd rather check out than newly released albums just because they happen to be 'fresh'.

Btw, I'm listening to Moonsorrow's Voimasta Ja Kunniasta for the first time in almost a year, and it's a lot better than I recalled, perhaps they should be added to the list. Anyone who can give me description of how the new one is compared to VJK? I remember thinking Kivenkantaja lacked the aggression found on VJK and focusing too much on just being epic, should that keep me from Verisäkeet?
I've only listened to Verisakeet twice, and tbh, it hasn't hit me quite yet. It's like a continuation of Kivenkantaja, which I thought was a step down from the super awesomeness of Voimasta. Only time will tell.

out 4/26:



new Graveland sample for the 2005 release: new/grav song 3.mp3
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Almost forgot, new Toxic Holocaust this year too. With any luck ill be seeing them live soon.

I need to grab something by these guys. Only heard 1 album, and i forget which one too, but it was fucking awesome raw, powerful thrash.
You probably heard Evil Never Dies which is fucking awesome. They have a couple of splits and EP's out too. They released a compilation of older material called Toxic Thrash Metal last year, its really good as well.
Eh, I don't know. I'm starting to realize that I like Kiventantaja more than any of their stuff (but I'll be hearing Voimasta tomorrow). Like... put on Unohduksen Lapsi (the second song on Kiventantaja) and listen to 3:33 from 6:05 and tell me that doesn't make you cry. That is honestly pretty much what I look for in good music.
J. said:
all i have so far is the new Evoken, Dark Tranquillity, Primordial and Moonsorrow. at least I that's all the 2005 stufff I have.

I'm telling you. You really should pick up Deadbird - The Head and the Heart. You are bound to love it. It just fucking KILLS.
Bump for boredom, balls, bitchez, and beer. :kickass:

Best new releases:

Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
Meshuggah - Catch 33

I must admit, these three releases make 2005 utterly kickass, even if everything else sucked shit this year, these are solid 9/10 releases that completely kick my dick in.

On the fence:

Hermano - Dare I Say
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Bloodbath - Nightmares made of Flesh
Novembers Doom - Pale Haunt Departure

Nothing really wrong with these 4, but I don't know how much longer I'll be listening to them. In fact Hermano and Bloodbath I put down after just a week each. :erk:

Best old shit that I'm only just getting round to:

Meshuggah - Chaosphere, Nothing, and I

I'm basically going through their back catalogue right now, and they are easily my Band of the Fucking Moment right now, I can't get enough!


Drudkh - Lemony Snickets

Only listened to it once, but the shit doesn't even come close to Autumn Aurora, and the vocals are just horrid which is what made that last one so special.

Still to Come:

The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Hammers of Misfortune

Heard samples of all, so far so good except Nile which was boring. Also I know a ton of people illegally downloaded it not long ago, but I don't remember anyone saying if it was any good or not. Hmm.

Oh yeah and I talked about that Frusciante album in this thread, but that was a 2004 release. Whatever.
Best pre-2005 stuff that was recently discovered:

the Lithuanian trifecta of Poccolus, Ha Lela, and Zpoan Vtenz
The Black League
early Sentenced
"getting" Solstafir after first dismissing them as suck

THis is all the 200 stuff I've got so far. I'm much more into previous years' stuff atm.

Dark Tranquillity - Character
I like it when I listen to it, but that is very rare. I pretty much never listen to this kind of music unless it's early Sentenced.

Drudkh - The Swan Road
I like it. I don't know why everyone's bashing it, but I honestly believe it has potential as a strong grower. AA was immediate for me, which is probably why I got tired of it so quickly. The dude's vocals don't bother me at all. ANd since I didn't like Astrofaes, his vocals on TSR won't be overkill.

Evoken - The Antithesis of Light
Listened to it like twice. Just not in a doom mood at all lately.

Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circus
SEE Evoken

Moonsorrow - Verisakeet
Disappointment of the year so far. This band had it perfect with Voimasta, then they had to muck it up with excess and wank.

Pelican - March into the Sea
Awesome. I love ths band.

Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Not quite StEA, but one of the year's best so far, for sure.

Lots to come for me:

Hate FOrest
Mayhemic Truth re-release
Negura Bunget
Spiritual Beggars
Marksveld said:
Eh, I don't know. I'm starting to realize that I like Kiventantaja more than any of their stuff (but I'll be hearing Voimasta tomorrow). Like... put on Unohduksen Lapsi (the second song on Kiventantaja) and listen to 3:33 from 6:05 and tell me that doesn't make you cry. That is honestly pretty much what I look for in good music.

fuck yeah! all Moonsorrow stuff is just :worship:
I don't know if anybody has mentioned it, but what about the new Leviathan? I just noticed on metal archives that they have a new one due out this year. They have track names and album art, has it been leaked?
I was listening to the new Nokturnal Mortum again today and shit, every time I come back to it I am utterly floored at how awesome it is. Completely top ten of 2005 stuff.

My complaints against it is that basically half the metal material still wasn't new, but that's ok since it all kicks ass anyway.

I had it going full blast earlier and I was doing some hardcore air fiddling and then my mom walked in and started looking at me funny... then left.
J. said:
Red Stream just got the new Pantheist. i know some of you are fans.

I have "Amartia" , it's a great piece of unique Doom , really . 8.25/10 I give.
Best releases : Dredg (oh well...) , Jesu , Primordial , The Mars Volta (good one I must admit) , Red Sparowes , Pantheist ; less good but still :rock:: Taake , Callisto

Songs of the Year : Pelican - March into the Sea ; Primordial - The Coffin Ships & Tragedy's Birth ; Callisto - Cold Stare

Chances are the new Sigur Ros will be #1 for me this year .

Best shit I've discovered not of 2005 : Sigur Ros, Mono :grin: , Massive Attack , Drawn