Best of 2006 so far

Well, i've heard the current and previous album, seen them live on TV a couple of times and seen all the videos. They're not at all to my taste, but i couldn't care if people like them. The way i heard their albums is through a friend playing me them.

..But a music snob like NFU liking them? I just find it surprising, that's all.

I would tend to agree with you. I mean, I dont really think NFU would waste his time doing something like that, but Ive gotten a lot of great suggestions for bands from him and I cant really see why he'd be into this music. I actually just acquired the album to see if MCR could surprise me, but they didn't. Obviously I'm not gonna like everything that someone else likes, but NFU is usually quite good on recommendations. AH well.

And I also would consider the guy's vocals whiney and annoying. I listen to some whiny bands, but not many. Definitely wouldnt consider maynard whiny though.
I think Gerard Way WAS a terrible singer. Especially live, where he was nigh on unbearable. But his vox on the 2 or 3 tracks I have heard from the new album are much improved, if not awe-inspiring.

'Welcome To The Black Parade' is still fucking catchy though...
I describe it as the perfect example of how to totally ruin a song. The intro isn't that bad, clear Queen influnce.. Then it goes downhill from there, minus that little guitar flourish at the climax of the song.

I can see that, that bothered me at first too.

But the "We'll carry on, we'll carry ooooooon" part was stuck in my head for days. And I grew to really like it.
I can picture NFU sitting back reading this thread... dying of laughter. It's funny how so many people care about what he listens to so much.

It is because he is pissing everyone off with his endless retarded rants concerning shit-taste and cock-noobery...people feel the need to attack him somehow.
biggsy said:
It's funny how so many people care about what he listens to so much

biggsy said:
So none of you except wankerness think that most of the time he's baiting people? He's just having some fun as far as I'm concerned. It really doesn't matter.

Its funny that people care about what he listens to but you soooo painfully obviously care just as much about whether he's genuine or not. Just sayin :loco:
Its funny that people care about what he listens to but you soooo painfully obviously care just as much about whether he's genuine or not. Just sayin :loco:

lol how is that shwoing genuine care about him baiting people or not? im merely saying thats what i think. i havent spent time thinking about it. it hasnt tortured my brain. i havent posted numerous times saying omg i dont know if hes being genuine or not help me.
It's been really rough shortening the list (just under fifty), but these are my top fifteen candidates in no order:

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1. Scott Walker "The Drift"
probably the most unsettling CD I have ever listened to

2. Converge "No Heroes"
I've been a huge fan for years, and they have continued to impress me. Please, pay no attention to all those stickers for shitty bands that say "for fans of Converge", these guys are far above that.

3. Genghis Tron "Dead Mountain Mouth"
After the impressive "Cloak of Love", this electronic grind band has released one of the more brutal of CDs to come out in awhile. Recommended at loud volumes.

4. Year of No Light "Nord"

5. Isis "In the Absence of Truth"
They just keep getting better. Can't wait for the tour with Jesu.

6. mewithoutYou "Brother, Sister"
I'm not a religious person, but something about this band makes me smile. They just seem to be having such a good time, I can't help it.

7. Cursive "Happy Hollow"
Awesome indie rock band that has really found their niche in the musical world. Excellent follow-up to The Ugly Organ.

8. Sunn O))) & Boris
Great collaboration, amazing soundscapes

9. Mastodon "Blood Mountain"
You guys are good, we get it. :goggly:

10. Peeping Tom "Peeping Tom"
I'm a Patton fanboy, shut up.

11. Mew "And the Glass Handed Kites"
Some gorgeous space pop

12. Planes Mistaken for Stars "Mercy"
Indie rock and post-hardcore crash course once again as this fantastic band contiues to rock your face off.

13. Ministry "Rio Grande Blood"
Oh snap, Al's best since "Pslam 69". Awesome all the way through.

14. Kayo Dot "Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongues"
A group from my neck of the woods, something that will just weird you out while entrancing you to listen more.

15. The Mars Volta "Amputechture"
I haven't been paying as much attention to the band as I did when their 2003 full length came out, but the band is still pushing strong and I do believe they released something far more comprehensive than Frances the Mute.

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Honorable Mentions
* Xasthur "Subliminal Genocide"
* Dir en Grey "Withering to Death"
* Windmills by the Ocean "Windmills by the Ocean"
* Novembre "Materia"
* Katatonia "The Great Cold Distance"
nice list. So I'm not the only one who loves mewithoutyou? I wish others on this forum would give Mastodon the credit they deserve.
lol how is that shwoing genuine care about him baiting people or not? im merely saying thats what i think. i havent spent time thinking about it. it hasnt tortured my brain. i havent posted numerous times saying omg i dont know if hes being genuine or not help me.

you're engaging in discussion about him just as much as anyone else here (myself included obviously) you're just inclined to judge others and not yourself because that's how ignorance works! yay! keep up the good work!