Best of 2008 So Far...And Still to Come

I don't agree. The only thing they really are is catchier. The compositions on Groza are definitely more subtle and developed than his previous work, so it may not be something that immediately grabs you. There's definitely more thought put into the arrangements. It also has probably his best lyrics.
So, my list gets bigger:

Arckanum - Antikosmos
Venom - Hell
Skepticism - Alloy
Taake - Taake
Satanakozel - Рогатыя
Meshuggah - ObZen
Septic Flesh - Communion
Darkspace - Dark Space III
Agalloch - The White
Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale

edit: it's pity I can't add Motorhead here...
Lifelover: Konkurs
Darkthrone: Dark Thrones and Black Flags
Agalloch: The White
Enslaved: Vertebrae
Tåke: s/t
Darkestrah: The Great Silk Road
MGLA: Groza
Watershed and Obzen stand out so far. Cynic's new album has me tingling with excitement.

Other than that I wish Wintersun would hurry the fuck up with their new album - if it doesnt come out next year I'm gonna cry!
The Formation of Damnation - Testament
Greatest Hits - Dream Theater
Killing Season - Death Angel
Blooddrunk - Children of Bodom
Holographic Universe - Scar Symmetry
Kolossus - Keep of Kalessin
Prevail - Kataklysm
Shogun - Trivium
Death Magnetic - Metallica
Twilight of the Thunder God - Amon Amarth
The Fathomless Mastery - Bloodbath
The Way of All Flesh - Gojira

yeah call me mainstream, suck my nutz
Top 5 right now:

Deadlock - Manifesto
Iced Earth - The Crucible Of Man
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God
Opeth - Watershed
Zonaria - The Cancer Empire