Big Brother 4

Im finding just about all the women and most of the guys to be really obnoxious. Even moreso than usual, as I usually dont like most of them at first, but this season they really seem to be genuine wankers a lot of them.
hahaha Aphrodite just found out that Igor has a girlfriend and was going off her nut at him, it was hilarious, he was being all woggy about it and making out that it wasn't such a big deal. :lol:

and Krystal tryed a move on that AFL guy.
My predictions for nomination night:

Aphrodite will nominate Igor. Krystal won't nominate Ryan because she wants him, but he'll nominate her. The other women will nominate Ryan and Igor. Ryan, Igor and Krystal will be up for nomination. Male viewers want Krystal to stay because she has big tits (actually, some of the chicks will nominate her for this reason also). Female viewers want Ryan to stay because he's a big goofy bloke. So Igor will be evicted.
Igor and Afrowanky are both cock-suckers who derserve to be nominated and shot.
That stripper chick does indeed have large bouncy tits that look like they may fall out of her clothes quite often...they did on the show last night or tonight...they had to blurr them out.

I shall be watching...