Black Metal is the worst subgenre

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem is pretty unique. The vocals are unorthodox, the drumming is insane, and the riffs are solid. Varg played some pretty tasteful bass lines as well (Life Eternal). In general, Mayhem is a one of a kind in Black Metal.
This thread is extremely stupid and I'm 99% sure you're trolling.
raven aren't out and out thrash, but they're part of the way there and the video was to illustrate that the whole movement has had goofiness in it from it's origins, in sped up NWOBHM. There probably aren't any goofy black metal videos that I haven't seen, but I don't care, because the music in these videos tends to actually be good, even in fucking Leb Doch Selber. There is little richness or epic presence or however on might describe it on a lot of thrash records, no all, but a lot. They are artistically flawed. If you don't see the goofiness in all of the videos I posted then you can't call it out. Also, there aren't that many people on here who are more into 80s metal than me. Thrash fails to generate mood or interesting atmosphere most of the time, I'd say, bar certain records, that is why I'd count it as goofier than traditional metal. I'm defining goofy as being more than cheesy. I'm using it to mean being cheesy whilst failing to generate atmosphere or mood and with entirely uninteresting lyrical themes.
I see 80's in the videos you posted, and if you look back now, yea, the 80's were kind of goofy ... but that wasnt considered goofy back then, it was the norm, and anyone that was around then will tell you the same thing. Whats more silly and ridiculous to you? High tops, mullets and socks or facepaint, fake blood and running around with fake swords and axes?
rThrash fails to generate mood or interesting atmosphere most of the time, I'd say, bar certain records, that is why I'd count it as goofier than traditional metal. I'm defining goofy as being more than cheesy. I'm using it to mean being cheesy whilst failing to generate atmosphere or mood and with entirely uninteresting lyrical themes.

So you're saying this...

Is more goofier than this?

Oh wow :lol:

edit: I guess we just have different views on what silly and ridiculous mean.
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metal is generally cheesy music but who really gives a damn? Pretty much any music can be seen as cheesy just look at what's popular today. Lady Gaga may seem unique and fresh right now but years from now people will see her as being just as goofy as people today may see prince. Being cheesy doesn't have to be bad. Sometimes to make music you just gotta not give a shit just make the music you like and say to hell with how silly you look.

P.S. I don't like Lady Gaga.

P.S.S. Metallica is the cheesiest thrash band.
Give me a reason on what makes Black Metal good. Anything about 'atmosphere' or the laughable lyrics and I will ignore your post.

Step 3 and 4 :Smug:

Oh, and don't forget to look at the pictures. They will help you :lol:

Also, ambient/atmosphere is everything around us. You can't see it or hear it, but you can feel it. It's the sense of completeness death metal is unable to transmit.

So you're saying this...

Is more goofier than this?

Oh wow :lol:

edit: I guess we just have different views on what silly and ridiculous mean.

Well you've picked different thrash songs, one of which is pretty good. Then again, I wouldn't say Testament have ever been particularly goofy.

If anyone thinks Metallica's good albums are the cheesiest thrash has to offer then they need to reassess what they probably decided in their teens.
Well you've picked different thrash songs, one of which is pretty good. Then again, I wouldn't say Testament have ever been particularly goofy.

If anyone thinks Metallica's good albums are the cheesiest thrash has to offer then they need to reassess what they probably decided in their teens.

Metallica has one good album. Also St anger and Lulu are the cheesiest albums in all of thrash.
Black metal is my favorite metal subgenre, but there's no denying that visually it is the cheesiest style of metal. (Musically it has to be power or prog). I've never really found thrash to be that cheesy.
i just find it funny that some dude decided to make his first post "BM sux" or what-have-you. interesting fact: there's a little thread around here called "introduce yourselves."

and IMO black metal is the only sub genre worth saving should the whole world of metal fall into oblivion.

edit: and doom metal!

and some prog.
i just find it funny that some dude decided to make his first post "BM sux" or what-have-you. interesting fact: there's a little thread around here called "introduce yourselves."

and IMO black metal is the only sub genre worth saving should the whole world of metal fall into oblivion.

I hope you are joking... Black Metal isn't as terrible as this guy makes it sound, but after Doom it's my least favorite genre, It just sounds all the same to me, there's hardly any variation to it, vocalists mostly sound the same, same sound, etc...

Don't get me wrong I like the occasional black metal band that appeals to me, but you won't find me listening to it constantly.
How is Bathory an easy target?

Bathory's most significant contribution to the development of black metal was in creating mystery via lying about one's influences and obscuring one's shitty derivative music with bad production. His first two albums are total jokes, worthless speed/thrash just one step above Thrash Queen's Manslayer, and while he'd improve significantly with Blood Fire Death, there's still so little on that album that Slayer and Manowar hadn't already done. I guess Under the Sign... might be his most interesting and all-around important album, but I very rarely feel the urge to listen to it, so I'll concede anything involving that one album alone. Doesn't make up for everything else. He was a hack with the fortune of having a father willing to fund his silly musical misadventures.

I hope you are joking... Black Metal isn't as terrible as this guy makes it sound, but after Doom it's my least favorite genre, It just sounds all the same to me, there's hardly any variation to it, vocalists mostly sound the same, same sound, etc...

Don't get me wrong I like the occasional black metal band that appeals to me, but you won't find me listening to it constantly.

tbh I wouldn't cite lack of variation as a reason to why it's a largely failed sub-genre. If anything, it's so weakly defined that you can have some of the most deviant and un-metal albums still placed under its banner. Mayhem sounds nothing like Bone Awl who sound nothing like Drudkh who sound nothing like Nokturnal Mortem who sound nothing like Mortuary Drape.
Bathory's most significant contribution to the development of black metal was in creating mystery via lying about one's influences and obscuring one's shitty derivative music with bad production. His first two albums are total jokes, worthless speed/thrash just one step above Thrash Queen's Manslayer, and while he'd improve significantly with Blood Fire Death, there's still so little on that album that Slayer and Manowar hadn't already done. I guess Under the Sign... might be his most interesting and all-around important album, but I very rarely feel the urge to listen to it, so I'll concede anything involving that one album alone. Doesn't make up for everything else. He was a hack with the fortune of having a father willing to fund his silly musical misadventures.

tbh I wouldn't cite lack of variation as a reason to why it's a largely failed sub-genre. If anything, it's so weakly defined that you can have some of the most deviant and un-metal albums still placed under its banner. Mayhem sounds nothing like Bone Awl who sound nothing like Drudkh who sound nothing like Nokturnal Mortem who sound nothing like Mortuary Drape.

So a multi instrumentalist who wrote his own music and pioneered two genres is a joke. Sorry but I think your an idiot. Bathory made more enjoyable music than any other Black metal band Darkthrone is pretty dull also he showed a higher level of consistency and diversity. The first album is the weakest of his first 6 imo but it was a good catchy raw and ugly piece of motor head influenced black metal. The return I didn't like The return... at first but its really grown on me a lot very atmospheric much better than Slayer. Under the sign is a classic buff said. Blood Fire Death was epic as fuck I have no idea what you could possibly dislike about it. It showed Bathorys transition from black metal to Viking metal. I love the whole two epics sandwhiching rawer more straightforward songs. Most enjoyable black metal album ever made.

Go ahead and call me an idiot back but I see little reason to take you seriously. You probably think Metallica and Slayer are gods and I think they're jokes myself. Oh well opinions are like assholes.

Seriously though South of Heaven was horrible.
Come on hbb, you're forever posting obscure stuff from the 80s that no one gives a fuck about and you have the nerve to call bathory'is first two bad?
So a multi instrumentalist who wrote his own music and pioneered two genres is a joke. Sorry but I think your an idiot. Bathory made more enjoyable music than any other Black metal band Darkthrone is pretty dull also he showed a higher level of consistency and diversity. The first album is the weakest of his first 6 imo but it was a good catchy raw and ugly piece of motor head influenced black metal. The return I didn't like The return... at first but its really grown on me a lot very atmospheric much better than Slayer. Under the sign is a classic buff said. Blood Fire Death was epic as fuck I have no idea what you could possibly dislike about it. It showed Bathorys transition from black metal to Viking metal. I love the whole two epics sandwhiching rawer more straightforward songs. Most enjoyable black metal album ever made.

Go ahead and call me an idiot back but I see little reason to take you seriously. You probably think Metallica and Slayer are gods and I think they're jokes myself. Oh well opinions are like assholes.

Seriously though South of Heaven was horrible.

"Multi instrumentalist", lol.

Viking metal is barely a real thing, and certainly not based on anything found on BFD or Hammerheart. Blood Fire Death is predominantly a collection of thrash metal songs, particularly ones of strong Slayer influence, with A Fine Day to Die, For All Those Who Died, and the title track being the exceptions. From the former and ladder you can certainly say he was going in more of an "epic" direction, but splitting hairs between those songs and what Manowar had accomplished on Into Glory Ride is silly.
Come on hbb, you're forever posting obscure stuff from the 80s that no one gives a fuck about and you have the nerve to call bathory'is first two bad?

I don't know what obscure stuff you're referring to, but I'll wager a guess and say it's much better than the first two Bathory albums. Please provide a meaningful defense of those albums. I mean, if people praised them for their rawness alone I wouldn't have much to criticize, because yeah, I can acknowledge that. When people pretend that they are some kind of visionary leap ahead of Venom or Hellhammer, however, I have to laugh.