Black Metal is the worst subgenre

Lulu has some thrash riffs. There are black metal albums more subversive than it.

Lulu wasted some good thrash riffs. Seriously wtf were they thinking? I thought Deathmagnetic was supposed to be an attempt to get back on track but then they pull out Lulu. I felt sorry for Metallica fans :(
Sure this thread is troll, because there is no 'worst metal genre'. It is just opinions.

BUT PLEASE, when you are comparing thrash to black, as quality music, you are just making fool of yourselves. Thrash started out as speeded-up heavy metal (old school). The Thrash genre includes some of the best musicians ever, and many songs have DEEP meanings.

Black is 95% about appearance, with all songs sounding pretty much the same, with "vocals" growling about satan and suicides, and all that recorded with a 2 dollar worth tape on a basement.

When it comes to music quality black is near the bottom. (If not on bottom)
I just think it's hilarious nobody has pointed out the two major flaws in the troll's first post... How can black metal be, without question the worst sub-genre of metal when it's on the same level as another? Derp.

Also, he's clearly not a very big death metal fan / shit troll / uneducated idiot because he implied Cannibal Corpse are bad death metal, and feature musicians who can't play... yeah right, some of Pat's riffs are more difficult to play than some band's solos. Also, Alex Webster?

:lol: ... derpy derp derp derp derp
Black is 95% about appearance, with all songs sounding pretty much the same, with "vocals" growling about satan and suicides, and all that recorded with a 2 dollar worth tape on a basement.

Another half-witted opinion in this superb thread.
Another half-witted opinion in this superb thread.

Can't handle the truth? Have you seen a black metal band going on stage with no corpse/war paint, without rediculous spikes and other accessories? NO. It's because it has to do more with how you look, than the actual music.

What Dio is saying in this interview about the "hair" bands (the bad ones), goes also for the black bands.
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...yes? :lol: You're either a troll yourself or just know very little about black metal.

Well most of the stuff I've heard did not include a video. Anyways I was under the impression that corpse paint and accessories was kind of a must, but that does not change much of what I've said before. When it comes to music quality, black is near the bottom. Sure above all those -core stuff that are not even music, but...

There are very few exceptions of course, but VERY FEW. Venom is an example if they can be considered black.
Corpsepaint and accessories are most definitely not a must.

And Venom is an example? Of what... good musicianship within black metal? Don't get me wrong, I love Venom but don't make me laugh!! :lol:

EDIT: And of course core stuff is music... you just don't rate it highly. Nor do I particularly, but it's still music! :lol: ... I fear I'm probably going to have to stop responding to your posts, you're not as musically educated as you believe I'm afraid.
Also, he's clearly not a very big death metal fan / shit troll / uneducated idiot because he implied Cannibal Corpse are bad death metal

Eh, Cannibal Corpse are terrible, the Imperial Doom album by Monstrosity which also features George "Corpsegrinder" on vocals shits all over the entire Cannibal Corpse discography.
Eh, Cannibal Corpse are terrible, the Imperial Doom album by Monstrosity which also features George "Corpsegrinder" on vocals shits all over the entire Cannibal Corpse discography.


Don't treat me like someone who doesn't have a clue about death metal.

If all the guys from all your favourite death metal bands commented on this they'd all agree that Cannibal Corpse aren't a terrible death metal band.

Also, note I didn't say they were the best or anything like that...
the production is god awful
Tell this Markus Stock. Because the music he produces is known to be produced "sub par"... like, you know, f**n ALCEST...

all the vocalists sound the same
Of course, you're right. IX from Urfaust sounds exactly like Darkthrone's Fenriz.

Secondly, nothing is impressive about the music. Boring drumming, inaudible bass, all the vocalists sound the same, and boring riffs.
I don't care if it's impressive, I care if it sounds good to me.
The most complicated and impressive to play riff on this planet may be the worst sounding at the same time.

I especially like the inaudible bass in this, that starts at roughly 1:05:

Anything about 'atmosphere' or the laughable lyrics and I will ignore your post.
Yeah, because the lyrics of death metal are so shakespearian in comparison.
And why ignore "atmosphere" when that's exactly the ESSENCE of what ANY kind if music is trying to accomplish? To put your mind in a state that feels good to you?

Let's not forget most of these guys wear makeup.
Oh, do they. You mean guys like:
Niklas Kvarforth from Shining
Famine from Peste Noire
John Haughm from Aggaloch
Phil McSorley from Cobalt
M. Roth from Eisregen

Give me a reason on what makes Black Metal good.
Because I like it. What other reason do I need, if you don't like, don't listen to it.
Why do people always need to communicate how they dislike stuff others enjoy? Does it make you feel superior in some way to talk yourself into believing your taste is so much above that of others?

And why am I even answering this obious troll-post?
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