Black Metal is the worst subgenre

I'd also like to add that I feel black metal is able to create a feel and atmosphere that no other musical genre or sub-genre can even come close to touching. And even in the atmosphere it creates, there are different spins that each band in the sub-genre put on it. Alcest has a much different atmosphere than say Paysage D'hiver, yet they both have that black metal feel and atmosphere to them. Hard to put into words I suppose, but I believe it's by far the most unique sub-genre of metal and one of the most expansive. You can do damn near anything with it.
Don't get me wrong I'm all for making trolls look silly but... be careful how you go about it, HafgufaKraken!

Fenriz is not Darkthrone's vocalist. He only does some backing vocals, spoken word parts etc.

And regarding the make up, I think the troll was referring to 'on stage' - in which case your picture of Famine from Peste Noire is a bit of a boo boo... 'cause he DOES wear corpse paint (sometimes/the majority of the time) when they perform live, which is rarely - but still.
Fenriz is not Darkthrone's vocalist. He only does some backing vocals, spoken word parts etc.
I didn't say he was. But he does vocals and he plays in Darkthrone, which makes him Darkthrone's Fenriz.
But that's not the issue, fact is that the vocals don't sound the same.

your picture of Famine from Peste Noire is a bit of a boo boo... 'cause he DOES wear corpse paint (sometimes/the majority of the time) when they perform live
Ok, if I find the time I'll remove Famine from the list and add 10 others who don't wear paint on stage :D
:lol: I wasn't sticking up for the troll, just being picky.

You don't have to pretend you're such a busy person that you can't find the time to edit your post, s'all good. :loco: And I know you could probably name hundreds of black metal bands who don't wear make up on stage. For example pretty much every single one of the bands in the eastern european scene.
You don't have to pretend you're such a busy person that you can't find the time to edit your post, s'all good.
I may have the time, but I'm not in the mood :D

For example pretty much every single one of the bands in the eastern european scene.
Which is an excellent scene, btw! I'm a bit of a sucker for Slovak bands ;)

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The thing I find fascinating about black metal is that some of the bands have that old-school vibe and are so close to traditional metal and some are closer to dark ambient or harsh noise. Even though I don't pay much attention to it, there's another side of it with bands picking influences from the prog rock or folk spectre. The range is in reality immensely wide and connects many other genres. Sometimes I listen to Parhelion (wintery dark ambient) and then put on Paysage d'Hiver (already mentioned in this thread iirc) and it connects so well. Out of like 10 tracks only two contain audible guitar and yet it's still the night of black metal as it releases so much accumulated atmosphere. The genre also does the best job at being as dark and evil as possible still using guitar-band instruments (as I personally consider some harsh noise or modern classical to be even more emotionally ruining).

Long story short, Being prejudiced against black metal in 2013 is laughable and you don't even have to be a hipster to accept it even if you don't personally like it.

And I used zero vulgarities in this post. Is it me? Or did someone break into my account? Am I on LSD? So many questions.
Why don't we just petition the mods to change the name of this topic to "Black Metal is the best subgenre" and be done with it? :)


No matter how many pics you link, it does not change the fact that far too many black metal bands wear make up (corpse paint) and have rediculous accessories. I could link a thousand pics with the most rediculous stuff ever made.

Because I like it. What other reason do I need, if you don't like, don't listen to it.
Why do people always need to communicate how they dislike stuff others enjoy? Does it make you feel superior in some way to talk yourself into believing your taste is so much above that of others?

And why am I even answering this obious troll-post?

I agree with this, this thread is pointless. If you do not like something, no matter how good or bad quality it has, you just do not listen to it. But when guys mention that black metal is better quality music than genres like thrash, opinions have nothing to do with it. Black metal as a genre IS near the bottom when it comes to music quality. This is a fact.
What does wearing makeup on stage have to do with anything, really? Would you prefer if they wore a suit and tie?

Also, you keep stating that the thread is pointless and how it is silly to argue apples and oranges, yet you still keep insisting that thrash is better than BM? :confused:
...yeah, which is really silly because the roots of black metal and thrash are intrinsically linked.

EDIT: Actually, that doesn't mean you can't debate which you think's better. I don't do that kind of thing myself though 'cause, well... yeah, the answer to that should be obvious to non-douches.
Yeah. It sucked. Boring vocals, and mostly boring everything else too.

Really? I think the vocals on South of Heaven are perfect for what they're doing. It really puts the emphasis on the lyrics. It's more like spoken poetry set to the soundtrack to Hell. And considering how intense and vivid the lyrics are I enjoy being able to take in each line.
I had some really meaningful and honest things to say about black metal but I don't even feel the need to say them anymore after HafgufaKraken's post.

this perpetual black metal argument sucks though. any music genre dick measuring threads should be obliterated on sight imo. this board used to be so good.
No matter how many pics you link, it does not change the fact that far too many black metal bands wear make up (corpse paint) and have rediculous accessories.
And that's a reason to dislike the music? If it is, look for bands that don't do it, there are enough out there. If your reason to prefer something else over black metal is the music itself, why even complain about on-stage theatralics of a genre you don't care about in the first place? Just stay away from music you don't like, is it really THAT hard?

As we all know now, ridiculous looks and accessories never happen in other genres. Ever.

Black metal as a genre IS near the bottom when it comes to music quality. This is a fact.
How do you measure the "music quality" of an entire genre?
No matter how many pics you link, it does not change the fact that far too many black metal bands wear make up (corpse paint) and have rediculous accessories. I could link a thousand pics with the most rediculous stuff ever made.

I agree with this, this thread is pointless. If you do not like something, no matter how good or bad quality it has, you just do not listen to it. But when guys mention that black metal is better quality music than genres like thrash, opinions have nothing to do with it. Black metal as a genre IS near the bottom when it comes to music quality. This is a fact.

How do you define 'quality?' Obviously it's not based on good musicianship if you would rate Venom highly; I echo Podgie's sentiment - which you've chosen to ignore - in this regard. If you're arguing that black metal is more one-dimensional than other genres, that just goes to show your ignorance.

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