Black Metal is the worst subgenre

First of all stop saying thrash is wanna be death because it is making people cry from laughing. Anyways enough talking to clueless people in this thread. Last reply from me :)

Sorry, I could not help myself :

Feel free to read the description bellow the pics as well... they are pretty accurate. ahahaahah

I'm miles ahead of you, kid, in my previous post I already countered what you just said and linked to before you even said it: "Regardless of whether you like Black Metal imagery or not, there's no debating that it's more unique and powerful than the wanna-be-death-metal Thrash imagery."
Please feel free at any time to point out the very stark and extreme differences in imagery between most death and thrash metal bands, or even what exactly is so distinctive and unique about thrash imagery in general, epecially in comparison to Black Metal - if you aren't too busy crying and laughing to hash out any kind of logical argument. :popcorn:
I'm not even going to bother posting countless numbers of thrash videos that will blow that gay ass limbonic art track out of the water in terms of speed. You obviously havent listened to enough thrash.

Also, black metal, especially most of the Norwegian bands from the 90's were basically built on repetition, not that theres anything wrong with that, it was an important part of their sound, they were all known for having extremely repetetive song structures and that cant even be argued. Maybe if you listened to less of that symphnic garbage you would have known that.

Also, you sound like a fucking retard with you're whole "not dark minded enough, dont have the balls to listen to death metal". That along with you being so fascinated by the hilarious "imagery" of black metal makes me think your nothing more than some 17 year old tosser .... now have a good day.
Man, I just read this thread from beginning to end. What a fucking mistake. The collective forum IQ has dropped to an all-time low.
I'm not even going to bother posting countless numbers of thrash videos that will blow that gay ass limbonic art track out of the water in terms of speed. You obviously havent listened to enough thrash.

Also, black metal, especially most of the Norwegian bands from the 90's were basically built on repetition, not that theres anything wrong with that, it was an important part of their sound, they were all known for having extremely repetetive song structures and that cant even be argued. Maybe if you listened to less of that symphnic garbage you would have known that.

Also, you sound like a fucking retard with you're whole "not dark minded enough, dont have the balls to listen to death metal". That along with you being so fascinated by the hilarious "imagery" of black metal makes me think your nothing more than some 17 year old tosser .... now have a good day.

Oh really? Please do, I'd like to hear a thrash songs that has about 4 drumbeats a second like Limbonic Art does, or else I'll know (in fact I already do know} that you are full of cowspit. Here's a typical thrash song at most has perhaps 2 drumbeats a second at it's fastest:
And yet another example of how Black Metal has faster drumming than Thrash, a pristine sound-wall of drumming:

Oh, and hahaha, don't try to focus on any narrow specific time frame or country to try and prove your idiotic point, because in general and on the whole the Black Metal genre is far more complex and varied than Thrash and tends to include symphonic/orchestral, keyboard, chanting, operatic vocals, female vocals, choir effects, etc. Thrash is just four guys with guitars and drums.... every...single...time... talk about a recipe for repetitiveness and boredom! :zzz:

And here's something that's outrageously amusing: so I win the argument we were having regarding which genre has more dinstictive and unique imagery, and then suddenly you, clearly realizing your defeat, try to turn it into a matter of me being a "teenage kid" to distract from your failing in the situation - both richly pathetic and laughable. :lol::lol::lol:
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I genuinely feel sorry for that apathy character. Kid is as about as dumb as a sack of hammers.

And the inevitable capitulation in the face of overwhelming evidence, accompanied by the equally inevitale personal insults that tend to occur due to a lack of anything else to say. :lol::lol::lol:

Let's celebrate your resignation with some Black Metal tracks that are clearly more complex, atmospheric, faster, and have better accompanying imagery than Thrash Metal:
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"Regardless of whether you like Black Metal imagery or not, there's no debating that it's more unique and powerful than the wanna-be-death-metal Thrash imagery."

The only uniqueness and power that black metal imagery has is in it's ability to incite laughter and ridicule. Bands like Immortal with their makeup and ridiculous pictures are but a caricature of the bands/artists they shamelessly ripped off (King Diamond and KISS, for example).


By the way, monotonous drum machines mean jack if we're going to talk about tempo and its use in contributing creatively to the music. The majority of black metal is essentially the non-electronic equivalent of kids fucking around with MODPlug (or Mario Paint), and when you look at cases like that early Windir demo with its midi instrumentation and or all those Mortiis & co artists, it can be an incredibly sterile, unemotional, and fake sub-genre of metal. There has really been no movement in heavy metal's development more subversive and damaging than the advent of the post-second wave and all of the "experimentation" that was brought along with it.

EDIT: Well, to be fair a lot of Europower is on par with black metal in terms of robotic and uninspired music as well. Most of those guys have the modesty to not care, though.
The kid is all caught up in the "imagery" of the music he listens to... which pretty much proves my point of him being a tosser. I'm pretty sure his usual weekend activites include him and his friends painting each others faces and playing with swords and axes in the snow.

Most of the music i listen to has no imagery whatsoever outside of their cover art, and i couldnt give less of a shit since i'm not watching a fucking movie, im listening to music.

"wanna be death metal thrash imagery" That statement right there just shows how much of nitwit the kid is ... it's wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny.



belongs up there with the Assassin video HB posted.
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Black metal has been a genre based on lies and posing ever since Quorthon's contributions to its development. It's not surprising that image is still seen as the most important aspect to many even today.
The only uniqueness and power that black metal imagery has is in it's ability to incite laughter and ridicule. Bands like Immortal with their makeup and ridiculous pictures are but a caricature of the bands/artists they shamelessly ripped off (King Diamond and KISS, for example).



Totally missing the point, kid :hypno: Whether Black Metal imagery is ridiculous or not is purely subjective, but it is a pretty obvious that it is more unique and distinctive than Thrash Metal imagery - there is nothing you could possibly post to disprove that. And to be honest, I think it's more ridiculous for someone to play Brutal Death Metal wearing jeans and a T-shirt than plack Black Metal to wear an outfit like Immortal - if you really care about the music you're making, as an artist you should dress the part. But I know that you Americans could never understand this kind of flair for the dramatic, the imaginative and the fantastical in your sterile sombre little existances - just lie down before you hurt yourselves, please. There's a reason why the vast majority of the greatest fantasy authors are from Europe and classical/symphonic music is also vastly more popular there: Europeans have a much greater appreciation of imaginative art with a flair to it and are less inhibited by the pseudo-macho bullshit that pervades the American psyche (you're demonstrating that kinda stupidity right here, right now). There have actually been academic studies done on this topic, so go read them if you think your sterile sedate little mind can handle them... :Spin:

First song: it's pretty fast, but that's about all that it's got going for it, except for a decent-ish guitar. Trouble is, once you've heard one song like this, you've heard them all - there can be no denying that there is a much broader variety of sound with Black Metal bands than there is in the endless-repetitive Thrash genre.

Second song: Hahaha, this isn't even Thrash Metal, it's more like Symphonic Power Metal (a few miserable seconds of fast drumming near the end are hardly enough to magically transform it into Thrash).
The kid is all caught up in the "imagery" of the music he listens to... which pretty much proves my point of him being a tosser. I'm pretty sure his usual weekend activites include him and his friends painting each others faces and playing with swords and axes in the snow.

Most of the music i listen to has no imagery whatsoever outside of their cover art, and i couldnt give less of a shit since i'm not watching a fucking movie, im listening to music.

"wanna be death metal thrash imagery" That statement right there just shows how much of nitwit the kid is ... it's wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny.



belongs up there with the Assassin video HB posted.

Initially you said that everything I said except the "atmospheric part" was BS, so that means that you also thought the part about Black Metal having better imagery was BS, but now that you've been argued into a corner and squarely lost the debate on that front, you're suddenly saying "Oh, but I care about the music and not the imagery." Hahahaha, that right there, my son, is the behavior of a natural nitwit :lol::lol:
If you arbitrarily define thrash metal to fit one rather narrow style of music and label everything that goes outside as something else, then obviously thrash metal is going to sound limited to you. Somehow all it takes is a drum machine, a couple tremolo-picked riffs, and some shrieky dude and no matter what you throw on top of it, it's still black metal. Throw shitty keyboards that do little more than follow the chord progressions over it? Wow, symphonic black metal! Take actual string instrumentalists and choir vocals to sing over what anyone with an objective viewpoint would consider to be thrash metal riffs? Symphonic power metal!

EDIT: To be fair, the Limbonic Art song you posted does have more active keyboard lines than some of the other stuff I've seen described as "symphonic", but your argument is still shit.
Initially you said that everything I said except the "atmospheric part" was BS, so that means that you also thought the part about Black Metal having better imagery was BS, but now that you've been argued into a corner and squarely lost the debate on that front, you're suddenly saying "Oh, but I care about the music and not the imagery." Hahahaha, that right there, my son, is the behavior of a natural nitwit :lol::lol:

As far as I can tell, TB only admitted that black metal has more imagery than thrash metal. He didn't say it had better imagery (because, as should be obvious, no shit on my plate is better than shit on my plate).