Black Metal Recommendations-Beyond the Obvious

Erik said:
What's the second best Moonblood out of "Sob a lua do bode," "Taste our German Steel" and "Triangle of Power?"

I only really say "especially Blut und Krieg" because that's the classic, quite a bit of their other stuff is pretty much as good. Sob a lua do bode, Dusk Woerot and The Winter Falls Over the Land are my other favourites.
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
Taake - Nattestid...

Two best black metal albums as far as I'm concerned.
Caelum Adustum said:
Deathspell Omega
Funeral Mist
Temple of Baal

I miss this guy, best taste in black metal EVER. I've bought albums from essentially all of these bands since I made this thread and all of them are absolutely awesome. Especially Temple of Baal, I'm beginning to think "Servants of the Beast" is about the best BM record I've heard since SMR,C. This has been pretty much the most helpful thread this forum ever provided me, so I thought I'd bump it incase anyone else has in interested in expanding their BM horizons. This genre is right up there alongside Death for me now and probably surpassing it as what I enjoy most and these "orthodox" bands above are what's leading the way for me. I've discovered a few others as well, but I'm still open to further recommendations if you've got any.:kickass:
Opeth17 said:
I miss this guy, best taste in black metal EVER. I've bought albums from essentially all of these bands since I made this thread and all of them are absolutely awesome. Especially Temple of Baal, I'm beginning to think "Servants of the Beast" is about the best BM record I've heard since SMR,C. This has been pretty much the most helpful thread this forum ever provided me, so I thought I'd bump it incase anyone else has in interested in expanding their BM horizons. This genre is right up there alongside Death for me now and probably surpassing it as what I enjoy most and these "orthodox" bands above are what's leading the way for me. I've discovered a few others as well, but I'm still open to further recommendations if you've got any.:kickass:
Could you post samples of Temple of Baal?
And yeah, Caelum Adustum was a great guy, did you hear any of his stuff? Good as I recall needing some more work, but it's been a while since I listened to it and both my tape decks are broken so I can't listen again right now...
Mord has a new one on Southern Lord. I hope to get a review up soon. But it really took me by surprise after a few spins. It's both modern sounding, and somewhat old school. I know people say that all the time, but I REALLY think Opeth17 and quite a few others around here would like it. It's more along the lines of a band like Vried meets Anaal Nathrakh or something. That's not a great comparison, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a better one.