Old Fart
I second my recommendation of Fullmoon. Class stuff. But no Ellestin, sorry, no way does this one album beat Graveland.
Anyone else go back to Summoning's "Lugburz" and find it quite the damn good album.
And JayK was right, Maiastru Sfetnic is awesome.
And yeah, so far Hirilorn>Deathspell
Anyone familiar with Gontyna Kry?
I cant make up my mind whether or not to get Sort Vokter.
Gotta go mow the yard. I expect many replies when get back.
Anyone else go back to Summoning's "Lugburz" and find it quite the damn good album.
And JayK was right, Maiastru Sfetnic is awesome.
And yeah, so far Hirilorn>Deathspell
Anyone familiar with Gontyna Kry?
I cant make up my mind whether or not to get Sort Vokter.
Gotta go mow the yard. I expect many replies when get back.