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The Weltenfeind 3-way split with Absurd, Grand Belial's Key and Sigrblot (4 songs each) is downright excellent. Exactly what I needed to get excited about good old perverse & epic black metal again.

The Weltenfeind 3-way split with Absurd, Grand Belial's Key and Sigrblot (4 songs each) is downright excellent. Exactly what I needed to get excited about good old perverse & epic black metal again.
Where can I get this?
The Weltenfeind 3-way split with Absurd, Grand Belial's Key and Sigrblot (4 songs each) is downright excellent. Exactly what I needed to get excited about good old perverse & epic black metal again.
Second: Who made the kickass cover art? Could it be the same dude that did the Tormenting Legends II stuff? The style is kind of similar. Complete asskick anyway.
Haven't checked every page if these guys have been mentioned, but i'll mention them anyways!
Anything involving the Blazebirth Hall is stellar, Voidhanger turned me into this stuff with my first purchase of the Branikald "Stormheit" Demo Reissue at Peste Noire. Think Russian version of the Black Legions. Kaldrad has pretty much been involved in all of these bands, he is most notably from Temnozor, which i'm sure has been mentioned on RC before. Kaldrad reminds me of a of Neige
Blazebirth Hall (Raw NSBM):
Branikald (Branikald, It's too bad "A Stormride" from Stormheit isnt on this)
Forest (Forest)
Raven Dark (Raven Dark)
Nitberg (Nitberg)
Vargleide (Vargleide)
Vreid are pretty rockin' though I don't hear much similarities to Windir, despite the band members (its more of a Black 'n' roll style). Kraft is a great album.