Black Metal Recommendations-Beyond the Obvious

OK I suppose this deserves a post. If you keep yearning for Alcest-type stuff but can't get past the gayness for some reason, go for it RIGHT FUCKING NOW

I'm torn between shit this is awesome and ok this sounds too neat, there must be a hitch somewhere.
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no, but I've already had both the gris and sombres forets for days so I know they are fantastic

sombres forets playing here aug 10
Who said the UK couldn't churn out a quality BM release?

:lol: Not me! (Old Corpse Road and The Axis Of Perdition are/were pretty good too)

I just listened to that album anyway and it is indeed some good stuff. From my neck of the woods too!

P.S. +3 for Gris
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I have a White Medal tape somewhere. I've listened to it 0 times. Oops.

I'll be posting the Gris in it's entirety (and giving it the separate thread it deserves) shortly.
Black metal with actual riffing, huzzah!:kickass:
These vunts have been around since the early 90s, but only have released one full length, along side a gaggle of splits.

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Atmospheric in a Negura Bungie Cord sort of fashion. These Poles stand as erect as those which throttle Cara DeAngelis's inner cheeks. Though the landscape presented here is far more beautiful. Empowering, and as majestik as a moose, Wedrjackinacracy audiogenically take us through a journey through "virginal" soundscapes. If these vunts were around 70 years ago, no army would march down their roads catching em' unawares.

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Atmospheric in a Negura Bungie Cord sort of fashion. These Poles stand as erect as those which throttle Cara DeAngelis's inner cheeks. Though the landscape presented here is far more beautiful. Empowering, and as majestik as a moose, Wedrjackinacracy audiogenically take us through a journey through "virginal" soundscapes. If these vunts were around 70 years ago, no army would march down their roads catching em' unawares.


I need to get on this. Not the first place I've seen them mentioned, and I've heard Stworz, a band a member is involved in, may be even better.
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it's not bad, pretty strong atmosphere wise even, but the melodic stuff is waaay too easy/predictable. It's like Drudkh with generic post-rock melodies. Could be much better with more personality.