Black Metal.

I like some Black Metal,but i am not a huge fan...I am big of immortal and i like dimmu too...I used to listen some Dark Funeral,but now i hate them.:cool:
I own two of their albums - Apparitia...(2002) and Archanae Perfectii (newest), both are interesting. You'll probably like it if you're into ambient / "softer" Black Metal, don't expect anything like Deathspell Omega or Antaeus. Their stuff have a nice folkish touch, songs are well structured, very dark and melancholic.

Sounds like it's up my alley then. Thanks.
Have to agree, the s/t was a drop in standard, but the new album is pretty cool. That banjo break is HELL strange though.

One of the most awesome things I have ever heard. Wow.

It's one of the fucking coolest things ever.

Finally got the new Taake, & I was a little worried about the banjo bit, but it actually works very well. Also, I agree with Hubster that this album is a step up from the self titled. I do like the self titled, I guess the difference is I love the other full lengths. Taake are one of my favorite bands without a doubt. I was really hoping they would get announced for Rites of Darkness so I could finally see them live, but no such luck. Maybe next year.
Taake are one of my favorite bands without a doubt. I was really hoping they would get announced for Rites of Darkness so I could finally see them live, but no such luck. Maybe next year.


I'm so happy I saw them earlier this year, what a fucking great show these guys played. Can't wait to get my copy of the new one, it's taking forever to get here.
I'm still playing catch up for the year (and last year), but so far I would say it has a good chance on my list. Amazing stuff. Glad you pointed it out for me or I may have missed it.

Ok I'm not sure if this is old news or not so don't climb up my ass but here's a Wolves in the Throneroom interview done about a week or two ago explaining that they aren't breaking up. They also explain the direction they would like to take on the next album.

Save yourself the aggravation and skip to the bottom part where the question is "What are your plans for the future of Wolves In The Throne Room?" The second to last question. ;)