Black Metal.

I guess everybody knows about the new Arckanum album. How's everybody's reaction to that album? Personally, i'm enjoying it very much. Pretty awesome album. Better than the last one.
Samples of Burzum's From the Depths of Darkness:

New arckanum is pretty awesome sounding. Riffy as fuck for black metal:

Haven't heard the whole album yet, but anyone else think the beats/drumming on The Desanctification seem a little too conventional for Blut Aus Nord?
For fans of Agalloch and Drudkh should check this band out. Here's a song from their latest album.
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The self-titled EP (which predated the second album chronologically) is excellent. The other EPs are good as well, but not as good. I have yet to get the first full-length though. Dødsengel is definitely one of the better new black metal bands out there right now though.