Black Metal.

Not really. It's absolutely his best, imo, and one of the better US DSBM albums, though he did predate that "scene".

I don't think he's arguing it being his best or worst, and Nocturnal Poisoning is most certainly his best, but I can understand people never getting into his sound. It is a hard sound to get used to. As my friend puts it:

"Xasthur sounds like the band was recording inside the Grand Canyon with one microphone inside a tin can, with the tin can at the top of the Grand Canyon." (This is before he knew it was a one man project, and I'm pretty sure it was Funeral of Being that he was listening to.)
I just listened to Nocturnal Poisoning last night for the first time in years and I can confirm that it's still terrible. The only reason that I still own it is because I was waiting for it to become rare so I could sell it for like $50, but it looks like that's not going to happen. Maybe I'll smash it with a sledgehammer instead.

Don't smash it. Send it to me.
Give me Forgotten Woods or Bethlehem any day, bands that invented "DSBM" but aren't anywhere near as one dimensional or predictable.

The Curse of Mankind is one of the greatest classic BM albums ever, more people should know about it tbh.
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Forgotten Woods is excellent, though it's pretty unfair to peg them as "DSBM". The same can be said of Strid. One band that I enjoy that I've seen pegged under that banner that is more recent is Nyktalgia.
Forgotten Woods definitely rules. Except for that shit comeback album that came out somewhat recently. In a way, Curse of Mankind is to black metal as to Orchid or Morningrise is to death metal. I'm surprised it doesn't end up in more top 5 or top 10 lists, but black metal fans tend to me more purist.

On that note, I guess I get why people say Nocturnal Poisoning is the best/only good Xasthur album. It always strikes me as an odd choice though. The songs are too long. The atmosphere is better on the demos or on The Funeral of Being. I would think the people who like NP should like the pre-Nocturnal Poisoning demos better. I think this is much better than anything on the first few Xasthur albums, honestly. It's terrific. There's even something resembling a guitar solo.

Telepathic With The Deceased and To Violate The Oblivious came out in rapid succession in 2004, and it's no coincidence that the best Xasthur songs that year were on the excellent Xasthur/Leviathan and Xasthur/Nortt splits. The band's surge in popularity happened at the same time as the cash-out albums that the guy raced out so he could finish his record contract. He's not the only guy who didn't really like Moribund and didn't want to fork over his best material, hence a lot of retreads on those albums. (Leviathan re-recording/re-releasing a lot of old stuff is another example of artists not loving Moribund.) No coincidence that Subliminal Genocide is the best Xasthur record. It sounds good (still), is much fresher than what came before it, and the songs are notably different than the previous four albums. It's a strong effort. This track is particularly good. It includes irregular time signatures and a bass solo.
Xasthur has some dud albums, but it's not the one-note band some people claim. Malefic's vocals are/were as powerful as anyone when he was at his best, and I think he gets a bum rap due to overexposure. Xasthur was a good band, but I'll never argue it was perfect or even great. It was a band for the iTunes era. Some great, very memorable songs spread over several albums and splits, but no great albums. Plus, Malefic was a guy who took a lot of hate in contrast to how little self-promotion he did. No live performances, very few interviews. He wasn't spamming himself at all. I still think he should be remembered for being at the forefront of mid 2000s USBM, and not remembered negatively as such. It's not like Norway was cranking out classics that decade.

FWIW, Leviathan is a totally different band, and other than their split and collaborating on a side project, they are really very, very different.
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Found this song/band looking through some old post. Thx Dods

The lyrics to this song are fearsome!

excellent stuff

Dodens Grav likes this post.
Gimme s'more suicidal depressive BM. Right now burning through:


The only band of the style i can stand is pensees nocturnes. They mix wailing dsbm with classical music and its really interesting. Vacuum is the better of their two albums but its pretty impossible to find. (thanks brooks) grotesque is quality too though.
^ Never heard of em.

On that DSBM list, throw in some Krohm, Shining, Austere, Lifelover...that's really all you need besides the ones you named. It's a watered down genre now.