Black Metal.

^ For some reason I love the style of German black metal over all other regional sounds, but they seem so hit or miss. It's either really good or garbage. When they get the mixture of atmosphere and speed just right I have to change my pants (Lunar Aurora for example). When I play it sounds like a mix of German and Swedish.
I've been getting into the bands that sort of blend DSBM with melodic BM. I especially like the ones that retain BM song structures, but still have some clean vocals and good guitar leads. Bands like Forgotten Tomb and Drapsnatt. Any others of that style that have put out good shit lately?
Fuck, I forgot about that Charon album. I remember listening to songs on youtube on a daily basis and loving it.
Get that shit already, its one of the best things ive heard this year. Its a solid blend of black, thrash, and death metal with an evil and occult atmosphere and good songwriting imo.

I've listened to that album a few times, and I feel like calling it black metal is almost inaccurate. I guess it's the best label that fits, though.

I was a bit hesitant to post it because it is kind of a close call, but they take influence from DsO's modern black metal style and thought it deserved a mention as it is kind of unique (plus everyone is already calling it BM). Im personally not too crazy over it, but I know the style will appeal to a lot of the more modernly inclined metalheads.
A Curse for the Lifeless and A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors are excellent, some Xasthur is pretty tedious tough. I got bored with the whole DSBM sound really fast after thinking it was the shit for a short while, still like those albums a lot though.
I still listen to ColdWorld all the time if they count as DSBM, but as for Xasthur and the rest they get pretty repetitive after a while. Adding subsubgenres to black metal tends to make trends of same-sounding shit that lacks true originality, and no matter how awesome a sound is it's going to get old after a while.
I just listened to Nocturnal Poisoning last night for the first time in years and I can confirm that it's still terrible. The only reason that I still own it is because I was waiting for it to become rare so I could sell it for like $50, but it looks like that's not going to happen. Maybe I'll smash it with a sledgehammer instead.
Nocturnal poisoning is definitely fucking awful. Id watch a video of someone smashing it with a sledgehammer.

Ive wanted to like xasthur in the past but never could. Absolutely despise their sound.
There's little from Xasthur I really enjoy anymore. For DSBM I like older Leviathan (Tentacles of Whorror, Tenth Sublevel, and the Xasthur split), Krohm, and maybe a couple others but overall the genre is watered down now.
Any recommendations for more stuff like Master's Hammer, Varathron, Zemial, etc?

I'm really loving the cheesy keyboards and thrash/heavy-influenced riffs of the whole Eastern European/Greek scene.