Black Metal.

Time for the 'Crazy Shit Varg Is Talking About' Segment for the month of May.

Are you stoked, bros? I am stoked. This month he is actually taking about RPGs which is actually sort of endearing. Let's get into it, people.

Are you still planning on the release of your own role playing game? What can you tell us about this, if anything at all?

Yes, very much so, but I am not yet sure exactly on how to do this. I expect to be asking for help from gamers to play-test the system and to get feedback, but I will do some proof-reading and add some more meat to the bone, so to speak, before I do so.

Note that I am not trying to revolutionize RPG gaming with this game or anything like that. I just wanted to add in a game some things I have always missed in other games and remove some things I didn't like, and then create a setting I would want to play in myself.

It's all done out of love for RPGs, and because I enjoy working with this.

Do you have any fond memories of your role playing game days you would like to share? I myself, with a few, select others, played the first edition AD&D only, and we still sometimes do, in the manner of the old Gary Gygax tradition of early RPG... We have created many characters and had much magic still, with some great opportunities to play out the character and personalities like Mackarel Dale the rouge; the druid Owck the gnarled or against villains we have created like Fitzworg the enslaver...

Oh, it is a very long time since I last played a game, and I think even back then, when I had the opportunity to play, my biggest fascination was the logic (or lack thereof) of the system itself, the technical details and gaming mechanics, the complexity of the gaming world, races, stats and so forth. I am a terrible friend, so I have lost all my RPG-friends, and I lost the last one many years ago, and have gained no new friends to replace them, so I relate to RPGs pretty much just like some autistic person trying to figure out in details how a complicated mechanical device works. Right now I just try to make a logical system and a logical world for it...

My fond RPG memories have mostly been lost, but I still remember how fun it was to even just have the PC party walk up to some ruined tower or a cave entrance, and then try to unveil the secrets therein.

Rest here:

Usual Jew-hating included, both the interviewer and Varg partaking.
What has not yet been proven, but what will be proven in the future, is that the Neanderthals were very advanced, and more advanced even than we are today. What will also be proven is that we – the European races – are their direct ancestors. Unfortunately they did mix a bit with the inferior Homo sapiens, but only about 0,16% of our genes are from Homo sapiens; 99,84% are from the Neanderthals. So, the Neanderthals never died out; we are still here!

Ugh. That's not how it works. Varg.
A wild Count Grishnackh appears!

Yeah, I used to be feeling Varg and his political views up until about the time of his release from prison.
Then he just started talking about EVERYTHING being a Jewish/Marxist conspiracy.

I'm all for some nationalism and racism, but when he just goes off on these crazy conspiracy theories(ie: Marxist freemasons run the world) it makes me cringe.

Kind of a small image, but Tormentor's 7th Day of Doom and Anno Domini are going to be reissued on vinyl soon. I presume that Attila is doing this on his label like the album was a few years ago.
Horrible title for a horrible track. If this is what they are putting out these days they must be losing it.