Black Metal.

Advent Parallax is certainly amazing, but I think if Wrath and Sanguine really focuses, they could write some tunes worthy of the Averse Sefira name.

No I didn't take that video, but my short-haired dumbasses is in that video.
Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja isn't even black metal, more of a prog/folk deal. Not impressed, especially after listening to the amazing Havitetty and Verisakeet...
Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja isn't even black metal, more of a prog/folk deal. Not impressed, especially after listening to the amazing Havitetty and Verisakeet...

I've never really considered any Moonsorrow material to be "black metal." I love Kivenkantaja, but it's an entirely different beast than Hävitetty, much more accessible.

I'm excited about the new Wodensthrone, but haven't purchased it yet. I'm trying to save money for the new Bornholm, but I'm not sure when that's going to be released.
Any good bestial shit been put out lately I should know about?

Embrace of Thorns - Praying For Absolution
Bestial Raids - Prime Evil Damnation
Blasphemophagher - The III Command of the Absolute Chaos
Proclamation - Nether Tombs of Abaddon

There's a new Revenge out too, but I didnt buy that one so I'm not sure of the quality there.
I've been hearing that the new Burzum sucks and is even worse than the synth albums from when Varg was in prison.

I listened to it and thought it was pretty good, better than Belus and definitely better than both synth albums.