Black Metal.

No it's Gehenna, and it's black metal, there might be a hardcore band by the same name, I wouldn't doubt it. Gehenna was the dump of Jerusalem and the word Jesus often used for "hell".

Just listened to this horrible shit

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Saladorian Spell

Cheering myself up from that horrible experience with:

Trist - Willenskraft
Random observation: I seriously fucking love those "desolate" album covers like the Trist and Gehenna covers up there.
Regardless of how great anything else is, I'll most likely listen to A Shadowplay for Yesterday's far more than anything else released this year. Lots of good bm released this year though
^ speaking of Polish, I've discovered a damn good BM band! They only have one Ep in 2011, so I'm waiting to see what else they come up with...
