Black Metal.


Love this album, one of my favorite USBM releases
haven't listened to Fanisk in a while. Will definitely have to revisit it.

So I've been out of the loop the past six months in terms of new/interesting BM releases due to teaching. Give me your rec's for what's been good so far this year.
I've been avoiding Deafheaven, but my friend texted me saying he wants to see them, and I haven't been out in a couple of weeks so...might have to break down and give them a listen..
Anyone else wanna offer up some more suggestions of Symphonic Blackmetal bands are similar to these:

Limbonic Art (Moon and Scorpio), Old Man's Child (Pagan Prosperity), Nokturnal Mortum (Goat Horns), Empyrium (First two albums. Not exactly symphonic black metal, but fairly similar to Dorenreich). You might like Graveland albums like Immortal Pride and Memory and Destiny, but the style is a little different from the bands you listed.
I'm checking out the new Von album. I never quite got what the deal is with the band. I think I even heard some of the early stuff and don't remember much of it. Well I'm seeing them live in a few days so I better fucking learn what the deal is.

P.S. I'm seeing them w/ Inquisition because I'm not a giant faggot.

EDIT: I'm thorougly enjoying it now. I think this album will take its time to get used to.
Limbonic Art (Moon and Scorpio), Old Man's Child (Pagan Prosperity), Nokturnal Mortum (Goat Horns), Empyrium (First two albums. Not exactly symphonic black metal, but fairly similar to Dorenreich). You might like Graveland albums like Immortal Pride and Memory and Destiny, but the style is a little different from the bands you listed.

Thanks for the recommendations, mate, I'll be sure to check them out in time, but currently I've been listening to the first two Emperor albums. I'd say I probably like second one "Anthems to the welkin at dusk" more because the symphonic effects seem to be more audible and more refined. The overall sound quality of the album seems superior too (vocals seemed too dominant in the first album to my ear), and there is more use of melodic vocals which gives it more variety. The melodic part that starts at around 3:50 sends chills of pleasure down my spine:
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