Black Metal.

I've been down the black metal rabbit hole for the last year or so. Bout time I dump some of the more notable things I've found that I haven't seen discussed much around these parts:

Basically a Vietnamese dude moved to Minneapolis and started making Moonblood-esque tapes.

Most sincere attempt at incorporating Gabba and Industrial into the black metal template I've found

Really waft and loft sympho stuff.

(((Shimmery guitar tone)))

I don't know how well this stuff will play with this crowd, but certainly worth looking into if you want some stuff off the beaten path

hey man dont recommend shit that aint available anywhere. what kind of horrible human are you? :(
as far as im concerned both the death and thrash metal threads are way better than this thread, which i consider to pretty much be homebase for most of the pretentious wankers on this forum. And more importantly, they have 100 times better music posted in them

@Phylactery I quite enjoyed this. Needs more listens but maybe you might enjoy it also.

Liked parts of it, wasn't so keen on other parts, they just seemed off to me. But I enjoyed it more as it went on, not sure if that's because the songs got better or because I was adjusting to it. Will give it further listens, thanks.

Thrash standards in this board are so fucking low :lol:

Have you heard this? Fucking rips!
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nah hes just a pleb who doesn't like Warbringer(which imo disqualifies you from talking thrash). And they don't even have anywhere near 9 albums, not that it would even matter.

what i find amazing is someone like him is questing the taste in thrash metal of people who pretty much live and breathe thrash. Some of the guys here have very good taste in thrash and are incredibly well-versed when it comes to the subgenre. So i find it rather weird that a casual like himself tends to pop in these threads with his lame drive-by comments and shits on us. But then again, it's rms and its what he does so i shouldn't be too surprised.
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I remember when rms said "Baroque pushes shitty thrash" or something like that. Pretty weird that someone would be so smug about the taste of others when they themselves are far from being the arbiters of good taste. Unearned superiority complex to say the least.

Baroque has been the gateway for some really good music for me personally.
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dude, when it comes to thrash you're basically in the ozz & dak category. You come around asking for recs and the only thing i see you posting is groove/thrash garbage, don't ever utter the word "thrash" again.
I don't and never have liked groove haha
I remember when rms said "Baroque pushes shitty thrash" or something like that. Pretty weird that someone would be so smug about the taste of others when they themselves are far from being the arbiters of good taste. Unearned superiority complex to say the least.

Baroque has been the gateway for some really good music for me personally.
Yeah he's the culprit. Anything with thrash in the name he posts hahaha

Blue Hummingbird on the Left

A crepusculo negro full length emerges (on Iron bonehead and nwn because crepy negs is an awful label)

Weird band name, sure, but fairly ripping black metal.
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