Black Metal.

What the fuck. This guy has apparently listened to and rated 535 black metal/at least partly black metal albums from 2018 alone! That’s absurd.

I need to try that Ungfell album again. Didn’t like it as much as their debut, which is pretty reminiscent of early Pest Noire.

I'm skeptical of his list when I've heard more praise of albums in the bottom of his list than only 5 from his top 35.
Zeal and Ardor over new Varathron? (and 500 some albums over the new Varathron? Come on)
i saw this list and approve of his top 2, but a lot of the other shit in there seems dubious. not surprising when you're listening to a billion albums i guess
The Aorlhac is good, but definitely not a 4.3 in my book and not the second best black metal album from the year for me.

Need to listen to the Lutomysl more - I’m more familiar with some of the earlier stuff.

He also compares Panphage to Windir?! The more obvious reference point for Panphage is Arckanum.

Has anyone heard Spite - Antimoshiach? It’s by one of the members of Horns and Hooves.
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So I just listened to Sanguine Relic's 2018 album, The Essence of Eternity's Despair....and it sucks. Not sure what people get out of that band. They sure push vinyl and cassettes though.
So I just listened to Sanguine Relic's 2018 album, The Essence of Eternity's Despair....and it sucks. Not sure what people get out of that band. They sure push vinyl and cassettes though.

I honestly think if this had a better production job and a superior vocalist it wouldn't be half bad. The production isn't even that raw, it just sounds like the recording equipment was in a different building to where they were playing the songs! Mutiilation-lite or something. But yeah as is, it's pretty bad.

Been revisiting some Black Twilight Circle stuff. That Volahn got quite a few votes in 2014 and I just don't get it. I feel like I should like it as it's full of those kinds of expressive melodies I'm a fan of and the songwriting is quite adventurous. But I dunno, it all sounds like a huge impenetrable and nonsensical cacophony to me. I've only listened to it twice, so perhaps it requires more investment on my part.

I'd rather listen to Arizmenda's Within the Vacuum of Infinity even though it's pretty much all style over substance to these ears, it's a really cool sound. Dark as fuck and like being stuck in an endless vortex of nothingness.

Anything else from this scene I should try?
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Entropy Created Consciousness - Impressions of the Morning Star

Weird, creaky, dusty BM with the odd shamanic groove thrown in. Closest thing I can compare to would be that Murmuüre album from 2010.

This track is probably my favourite although its not particularly representative as its the most doomy of the lot

I've only heard Human Antithesis by these guys before, but I fortunately discovered this monster! Labeled as doom normally, this album takes a blackened doom approach and features the dude from Aborym on vocals. I'm always on the lookout for top notch black/doom so check this out if that's your thing:

I'm always looking for good black/doom in the style of the first Faustcoven and can never seem to find it! Even Fautcoven themselves moved away from that sound.

None of their albums are as good as The Halo of Burning Wings imo.

What the fuck. This guy has apparently listened to and rated 535 black metal/at least partly black metal albums from 2018 alone! That’s absurd.

I need to try that Ungfell album again. Didn’t like it as much as their debut, which is pretty reminiscent of early Pest Noire.

Norrhem's Vaienneet voittajat is a great choice. Superb album.

Early Peste Noire + S/T is pretty much perfect stuff. Démonarque is one of their best songs.