Black Metal.

I'd also add Dark Tribe to that list since In Jeraspunta was probably the most startling and uncomfortable black metal release in quite some time

In Jeraspunta... still hasn't made the huge impact on the international scene I thought it would. There wasn't even much of a stir when it was released. I agree in any case; as far as modern Black Metal goes, they're pretty much at the top of the genre. I imagine In Jeraspunta... will be one of those albums eventually recognized in a few years time and hailed as a forgotten masterpiece.

Hopefully their new album, Archaic Visions, will be finished soon and released this year. I can't wait.
Today's black metal scene has become global, the only way to list the current scene's most important bands is to pinpoint the tops of each global scene.

But to do it loosely, the global scene's most important bands seem to be Drudkh (Slavic/Nationalist), Xasthur (USBM), Deathspell Omega (French/Orthodox) and Watain (Swedish), each toward the top of their respective scenes.

I couldn't pick the top band from the current Finnish scene, but the likes of Horna, Sargeist and Behexen certainly qualify.

Fuck Xasthur. Averse Sefira are the kings of USBM.
Leviathan is just "bizzare", the music is still very cliché... i wouldn't call him the best.
Profanatica is the only Black Metal band from that US that has ever mattered.

And Sargeist is boring as fuck.
Have you listened to Interpol? If you amesoeurs you will like interpol. They are not black metal.....but just listen to them and you will get what I mean.

But yea light-er black metal is a good idea.

Yeah, I like Interpol a good bit :)
I wasn't really serious, but it pisses me off that nobody gives a flying fuck about Profanatica no matter how many times I mention them.