Black Metal.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas > almost everything else out of Norway, especially Immortal's output. Deathcrush is awesome too, as are the two tracks with Dead. And of course the live album,.

I like all of Mayhem's material, even the later works.

Darkthrone destroys burzum. I just dont get why people like burzum so much. The guitar playing is terrible to the point where it seems he is just hitting frets. Just plain terrible.

Um... destroys? Listen again friend. Burzum is pretty much the best BM ever.
Honestly, Mayhem seems to be the weakest, and are naturally known more for non-musical activities. One decent album in all that time....

Indeed, although I really like Deathcrush too. Pure Holocaust ranks with the best BM of all time. As far as Norwegian Black Metal goes, my top five would be:

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Ildjarn - Det Frysende Nordariket
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Enslaved - Vikinglgr Veldi / Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon

What I have always wondered was what norwegian black metal bands that were not famous released good material. All i know is mock, who was the vocalist of kampfar's previous band.

Ildjarn. His music is an acquired taste.
Though Emperor strayed a bit from traditional black metal with 'Anthems' and onwards, I believe they are the best from the 'Classic' Norwegian scene.
Well, if we're sticking to the original scene, going on the best work from each band:


The top three all have multiple excellent releases, while the others really only touched greatness once.
Though Emperor strayed a bit from traditional black metal with 'Anthems' and onwards, I believe they are the best from the 'Classic' Norwegian scene.


However, we have to recognize the futility of "Band X > Band Y > Band Z". All the top bands of the second wave played a fundamental role in developing the genre with their music, and debating who is the best among them is too often a matter of opinion.
There needs to be more Pop/Black, stuff like Alcest, Lifelover, Amesoeurs, Joyless, Mörksvamp, Sleepless, and Fen.

However, we have to recognize the futility of "Band X > Band Y > Band Z". All the top bands of the second wave played a fundamental role in developing the genre with their music, and debating who is the best among them is too often a matter of opinion.


What does everyone think of todays scene's most important bands. I stay to my clam as blut aus nord still.

What does everyone think of todays scene's most important bands. I stay to my clam as blut aus nord still.

Today's black metal scene has become global, the only way to list the current scene's most important bands is to pinpoint the tops of each global scene.

But to do it loosely, the global scene's most important bands seem to be Drudkh (Slavic/Nationalist), Xasthur (USBM), Deathspell Omega (French/Orthodox) and Watain (Swedish), each toward the top of their respective scenes.

I couldn't pick the top band from the current Finnish scene, but the likes of Horna, Sargeist and Behexen certainly qualify.
I'd also add Dark Tribe to that list since In Jeraspunta was probably the most startling and uncomfortable black metal release in quite some time
There needs to be more Pop/Black, stuff like Alcest, Lifelover, Amesoeurs, Joyless, Mörksvamp, Sleepless, and Fen.

Have you listened to Interpol? If you amesoeurs you will like interpol. They are not black metal.....but just listen to them and you will get what I mean.

But yea light-er black metal is a good idea.