Black Metal.

How is "Strid"?Are they any worth checking out?Are they any close to "Be persecuted"?
And once again what to you guys think of "AN"?
Oh yeah,thanks for Celtic frost recomendations.
Ha, Metal Archives pulled that extremely suspect review of the new DsO. I'm glad they caught that one.

Ajna is really keeping this thing under wraps. Set to release in about a week and no one seems to have heard it yet.
I'm having difficulty getting my mind around the new Bergraven album, "Dödsvisioner". Parts of it seem pretty great, explorative and so on, and other parts seem way too polished and almost over-structured - the album doesn't "breathe" enough.

I'm having difficulty getting my mind around the new Bergraven album, "Dödsvisioner". Parts of it seem pretty great, explorative and so on, and other parts seem way too polished and almost over-structured - the album doesn't "breathe" enough.


I've been meaning to check that album out
I had such high hopes for Azreal-Into Shadows Act I: Denial. The album had long songs but there is points in the songs where the guy playing guitar messes up many times.
I've been listening to the self titled debut album by the Slovakian band Alatyr and it is quite good, especially for a debut album. My only concern with it is that occasionally the keyboards are too central and the guitars are pushed aside, which is not the way it should be. However most of the time the keyboards combine with the guitars nicely to evoke an atmosphere of "happy sad" or nostalgic feel for lack of better terminology. It is quite nice and enjoyable and recommended if you don't want your black metal quite so cold or agressive. I think Mort Divine will probably like this the most out of everyone here.
ok I just made a blind purchase of an album called kirous by the band Diabloi from finland, can anyone tell me if it is a good album or not?
I've been listening to the self titled debut album by the Slovakian band Alatyr and it is quite good, especially for a debut album. My only concern with it is that occasionally the keyboards are too central and the guitars are pushed aside, which is not the way it should be. However most of the time the keyboards combine with the guitars nicely to evoke an atmosphere of "happy sad" or nostalgic feel for lack of better terminology.

It works for Nokturnal Mortum. i like the idea of louder keyboards and muted guitar, but the keyboards have to be reasonably sophisticated otherwise they'd just sound lame.
Are the first two Gorgoroth albums as enjoyable as Under The Sign Of Hell? I have been listening to that one recently and enjoying it quite a bit.