Black Metal.

Although I mostly lurk this thread, I've lurked it enough to know Gorgoroth has come up time and time again!

But to reiterate: Antichrist and Pentagram > all other Gorgoroth.
So I've listened to Anti - The Insignificance of Life and I must say that it is excellent. Sort of like cleaner Xasthur, with some Nachtmystium thrown in as well as plenty of originality. Definitely get it if you like suicidal black metal, or anything close to that.

That Anti album was in my top 10 albums of 2006, a fantastic release for sure. :)
I can't say I've given them more than a quick listen on myspace, but I was not impressed with what I've heard. I'm sure I'll get a better listen eventually.

I wasn't too impressed initially myself but they've quickly become one of my favorite bands. Every album is good.
I have recently been listening to-"Alcest-Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde".This album is just so unique & beautiful.I saw this album cover first on someone's sig on this site.But didn't check it out then due to the fact that I don't understand french.But recently I got this & am amazed.I wouldn't call this BM though,actually don't know what to call this.
Really as the 3rd wave in France has bands like DSO & Alcest,there should be a thread on french metal here for people like me to know more of the 3rd wave.
The fact is that I wanted you guys opinion if Neige's other bands(Peste Noire,Mortifera,Amesoeurs,Forgotten Woods) are any good,I don't understand french,so are these bands worth listening for me?
Anyone heard Falls of Rauros?

For those who haven't, they're similar to Agalloch....Definitely worth checking out. You can download their album and latest demo off their myspace. I listened to the demo and it's great.