Black Metal.

If anyone like Emperor - ITNE, you guys should check Sirius - Aeons of Magick, it's an amazing's what emperor should have released after ITNE in my opinion. I re-checked that band today and forgot how great they were. Too bad they split like 5 years ago :S

These guys have been on my list a long time. I felt a bit discouraged when I heard songs from their second album on Black Metal Radio; they were disappointing.

I really like Urfaust's Verraterischer... album. I love the vocals

You're welcome.
These guys have been on my list a long time. I felt a bit discouraged when I heard songs from their second album on Black Metal Radio; they were disappointing.

You're right, the second album sucked imo... they turned into a more heavy black metal style like later Emperor. But trust me, the first album is quite different, it's symphonic/atmospheric like early emperor or early limbonic art. Also, there is another band similar to Limbonic Art called Obsidian Gate you should give a try, another excellent band that vanished into oblivion.
You're right, the second album sucked imo... they turned into a more heavy black metal style like later Emperor. But trust me, the first album is quite different, it's symphonic/atmospheric like early emperor or early limbonic art. Also, there is another band similar to Limbonic Art called Obsidian Gate you should give a try, another excellent band that vanished into oblivion.

I've heard of Obsidian Gate and liked their myspace tracks. I see I can get their first album on eBay for less than $10. Tempting...
Listening to them again on myspace, and you were on the mark when you said this was like Limbonic Art!

Just placed a bid on The Nightspectral Voyage.
Of the CD-R's Zephyrus sent to me, I'm enjoying Borknagar-Quintessence the best, I can't say it has any songs that I truly love like say "I Am The Black Wizards" or "Ea, Lord of The Depths" but I enjoy most of it, I'm just not into certain parts of the album and am not into the clean vocals, Vortex's cleans in Dimmu Borgir are better, Vortex sounds a lot like Ihsahn, but he is not a clone of him, it's got good songs but nothign on it just makes me say "This is a great song", though Icon Dreams is definitely my favorite on here, it really sounds like cheery happy progressive black metal, unlike anything I've ever heard with the exception of Emperor-Anthems at times. i'm trying to get into the Limbonic Art CD but it is so unaccesible it's not even funny, nothing about it is memorable or catchy to my ears, but I will continue listening to it.
it really sounds like cheery happy progressive black metal, unlike anything I've ever heard with the exception of Emperor-Anthems at times.

Quintessence is NOT cheery and happy. You're applying a label more suitable for the band's Vintersorg era. This album is the band's darkest, and the presence of clean vocals by no means makes it happier or cheerier. I think you are confusing, in terms of sound, cheery with epic, which are not the same thing.

i'm trying to get into the Limbonic Art CD but it is so unaccesible it's not even funny, nothing about it is memorable or catchy to my ears, but I will continue listening to it.

Welcome to Limbonic Art.
Limbonic Art certainly are not the most unaccessible band, but the combination of searing guitar tone, bombastic symphonies, and long fucking songs could totally drive away some people...give it more time, I'd say.
Quintessence is NOT cheery and happy. You're applying a label more suitable for the band's Vintersorg era. This album is the band's darkest, and the presence of clean vocals by no means makes it happier or cheerier. I think you are confusing, in terms of sound, cheery with epic, which are not the same thing.

Welcome to Limbonic Art.
It doesn't seem dark at all, this is probably the least dark black metal I've ever heard.