Black Metal.

It is compared to the rest of their discography. Everything before it is folk/epic while everything after is more progressive.
Not sure if that was sarcasm or not but that was actually pretty good. :lol:

Borknagar's first album was pretty cool.
I don't know, he could have made it more potent by replacing the with [D]. Or maybe a [P}. Ah, the possibilities are truly numerous. What an oversight on his behalf. Still, it would be a three-grader's humor at best.
Looks like I need to check out Krieg soon...

From there myspace influence section.
Profanatica, Demoncy, Beherit, Darkthrone, Judas Iscariot, Satanic Warmaster, The Velvet Underground, The Stooges, Rudimentary Peni, Archgoat, Interpol, GGFH, Black Flag, Forgotten Woods/Joyless, Ellis, Bataille, Hamsun, Welsh, Lovecraft, Bukowski, the cut up method employed by Burroughs et al, Merzbow, Whitehouse
It's their tr00est, I'll give you that.
Which is probably why the only Arcturus I've found interesting is their first album, I was the same way about Bornagar until I heard Quintessence though, except replace first album with "everything before Quintessence"
Maybe because all you heard was Destruction Ritual?

No, I heard the Black House and some random tracks off another album as well, but didn't remember anything good about those, so I deleted all of them. Meh, no big losss. Not my cup of tea. I did listen to Destruction Ritual most out of those and found it so mindnumbingly awful that it threw me off from giving the band another chance
Haha I remember the first time listening to destruction ritual and I thought it was just random static noise. I just recently listened to a few songs of it however and I can actually notice the riffs and song structure now.