Black Metal.

I'll understand if you don't wanna use the sig, it's not the best Photoshop ever, but I tried.


I'm listening to Original Sin (Chn) - Destroy My Life demo right now. Not as good as their full length but it is well done BM heavily influenced bu Burzum. I can hear a few buds of ideas that I think they developed more fully on Misanthropic. They also have a song called Fantasy of Masturbator :worship:
been listenin to a lot of funeral mist lately, really like the stuff they did on salvation.
Yes, Funeral Mist's Salvation, is a pretty decent album. I like the vocals, one of the best black metal vocalists, Arioch (Mortuus).
yea pretty much how i got into them, from the stuff he did on marduk's rom 5:12, probably one of my favorite metal vocalists.
Nachtmystium fans take note! I found another band playing "psychedelic black metal", and it's fucking awesome.

Verdunkeln, from Germany.

Good bands. But both are not really psychedelic.

I'm not being anti-trend, I'm just expressing annoyance on a trend that has usurped the phrase used by a band a decade earlier which now retroactive suffers from the false association. Orthodox Black Metal is not this gay Worship Him Satanism bullshit.

What is this "Worship Him" mean?
I've heard good things about Nocternity - Onyx, can anyone elaborate or give a description of the sound?
I've heard good things about Nocternity - Onyx, can anyone elaborate or give a description of the sound?

Like MalignParadigm said, very dense, keyboard-driven (but not in a gay or sappy way). Very dark stuff. I'd say it would probably appeal to fans of albums like In the Nightside Eclipse and Vikingligr Veldi. Also, A Fallen Unicorn is another good release from Nocternity.
If there is any Graveland fans out there.... there is 4 new songs on the myspace site from the upcoming Spear of Heaven 2008 full-lenght. I feel like when I was teen and discovering Thousand Swords for the first time.

it's pretty good, no keyboard gayness like previous albums, it sounds more violent, yet very epic..... song12 is my favorite, the drum on this song is so insane in some parts.... for a drumcomputer, it's quite impressive. (sorry for my bad english)
If there is any Graveland fans out there.... there is 4 new songs on the myspace site from the upcoming Spear of Heaven 2008 full-lenght. I feel like when I was teen and discovering Thousand Swords for the first time.

it's pretty good, no keyboard gayness like previous albums, it sounds more violent, yet very epic..... song12 is my favorite, the drum on this song is so insane in some parts.... for a drumcomputer, it's quite impressive. (sorry for my bad english)

Awesome, thanks for reminding me about this. These songs, even unfinished, sound better than the disappointing Will Stronger Than Death. 'Song 12' is particularly cool. I also need to get my hands on the Wotan Mit Mir MLP post haste.
So...would like something like Anaal Nathrakh without the fucking intense screaming all the time. Nothing against the band, but they have totally fuckd my head in with all thoose high pitch screams...