Black Metal.

Someone does not like that album? That is truly a masterpiece of a record. Dueil Angoisseus is one of the finest black metal songs ever wrote.

I was glad to find The Lorraine Rehearsal on LP in a record store once.:p

It is pretty lame as far as I'm concerned.
Is it just me or does Darkthrone's To Walk the Infernal Fields sound like a blatant rip-off of Bathory's Enter the Eternal Fire? Not that it's not an awesome song but the similarities are way too huge to not notice.
God damn, I need to check out Peste Noir. I'm still meaning to get around to it. I hope they're like one of those bands that has something truly unique to offer.
Someone mentioned Locus Mortis - Voust in this thread, but can't seem to find the message to quote.

Anywho, its a great album if you are into more straightforward Orthodox Black Metal, one of my favorite from that vein from this year, including Mortuus, Glorior Belli, and Obscuras Advocum.

I personally think that Peste Noire is a great band, but haven't heard anything past La Sanie De Siecles. And I just really like the solos and emotion that is expressed by the music. Its just really raw but well written in my opinion....
Nobody is allowed to refer to stupid fucking bands like Glorior Belli, Ondskapt, Malign, and the like, as "Orthodox Black Metal" from now on. That term is to be used exclusively for Countess, the originator of the term, to avoid confusion. God damn trends.
I'm not being anti-trend, I'm just expressing annoyance on a trend that has usurped the phrase used by a band a decade earlier which now retroactive suffers from the false association. Orthodox Black Metal is not this gay Worship Him Satanism bullshit.
Nobody is allowed to refer to stupid fucking bands like Glorior Belli, Ondskapt, Malign, and the like, as "Orthodox Black Metal" from now on. That term is to be used exclusively for Countess, the originator of the term, to avoid confusion. God damn trends.

Well, if you don't like people referring to those bands as Orthodox Black Metal, just ignore it. And wether you like it or not, this label does avoid confusion. Thats exactly why I use this term, it has nothing to do with being in a trend. It can be used to refer to a certain group of Black Metal bands.

And so what if the label is that is used now has nothing to do with a bands certain sound? Stop moaning.