Black Metal.

One of the greatest black metal albums of all time, its a god damn self-released instrumental demo for christ sake.
Listen to it NOW!!!!

I would also like some recommendations on instrumental black metal!
I've not given Gallahammer a decent listen for some time now. I remember liking Gloomy Lights a good bit.

Need to hear the new album.
I've not given Gallahammer a decent listen for some time now. I remember liking Gloomy Lights a good bit.

Need to hear the new album.

GL was great. I haven't got the new one yet either though.

Anyways, I'm listening to Inquisition right now. The vox pisses me off; I hate that low gurgle thing in black metal.

Hopefully this'll grow on me; I paid 15 bucks for it!
I don't understand why people dislike Peste Noire's La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénerescence. It's good stuff.
Havn't heard any Peste Noir myself, could anyone give me a good description and which album to start with? And isn't Neige in the band?
Neige plays rhythm guitar. The album I mentioned is pretty rocking mid-paced BM with solos which are actually really well done. There are a few acoustic parts, and the vocals are insane.
I don't understand why people dislike Peste Noire's La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénerescence. It's good stuff.

Someone does not like that album? That is truly a masterpiece of a record. Dueil Angoisseus is one of the finest black metal songs ever wrote.

I was glad to find The Lorraine Rehearsal on LP in a record store once.:p