Black Metal.

In what way does it avoid confusion? It is a rather meaningless term that refers to two different things

Im just saying, its a useful term because whenever you are talking about any band that is considered "orthodox black metal", they can be reminded of which bands are in that label.
Like the originator of the term, Countess, who sounds and expresses ideas nothing like the "Orthodox Black Metal" trend of today? It in no way avoids confusion. It creates confusion for people coming from the Countess perspective going to these shitty bands and vice versa. And the music these bands play I would hardly describe as orthodox anyway.
Like the originator of the term, Countess, who sounds and expresses ideas nothing like the "Orthodox Black Metal" trend of today? It in no way avoids confusion. It creates confusion for people coming from the Countess perspective going to these shitty bands and vice versa. And the music these bands play I would hardly describe as orthodox anyway.

Well that sucks for the Countess fanboy club then, and to be honest I really don't care. I don't care if a label is not politically correct, I use this label to describe a group of Black Metal bands because it is the most common label for these bands. I'd really hate to repeat my point, but let me draw an example to help you see my point.

"Nobody is allowed to refer to stupid fucking bands like Glorior Belli, Ondskapt, Malign, and the like, as "Orthodox Black Metal" from now on. That term is to be used exclusively for Countess, the originator of the term, to avoid confusion. God damn trends."

Now, how did you know that Ondskapt and Malign were labelled as Orthodox Black Metal bands? Because, it is a common label for that group of bands, so the genre tag did in fact help you think of what bands would be included in this group. This is my point.

By the way, what do you consider to be Orthodox Black Metal if you say that Countess is the only true "Orthodox Black Metal" band?
Orthodox Black Metal is Black Metal that is Orthodox, i.e. it adheres to the authoritatively established doctrines of Black Metal as they were originally understood.
Countess obviously.

A genre based off of one band? Now that doesn't sound retarded at all.

You guys are starting to crack me up, as if Countess is really THAT different to bands that are considered "Orthodox Black Metal" these days. Ideas and expressions nothing alike to the trend these days? What ideas? Anti-Christianity? The story of Countess Bathory? SATANISM? Im starting to think that you folks never really heard any of the bands aforementioned.

So to avoid confusion, give me a description of:

A) Why the ideas and expressions are different to Orthodox Black Metal as the "trend" describes

B) How a band can have its own genre while it is the only member of that particular genre, sounds rather funny to me.

C) Why the so called "established doctrine of Black Metal" is not applicable for bands labelled in this so called trend.
You obviously don't know who Countess is or what the hell I'm even referring to more broadly to begin with so just fuck off and stop wasting both of our times.
You obviously don't know who Countess is or what the hell I'm even referring to more broadly to begin with so just fuck off and stop wasting both of our times.

I just asked for an explanation. And if I don't know who Countess is, answering my questions would be a good start. This is a forum, right?

You sir, are a child.
The problem is that I don't feel like wasting my time explaining myself to somebody who's not even going to be posting by this time next year when my thoughts have been expressed numerous times on numerous occasions and the only one who doesn't know them here is you. The new "Orthodox" bands are not Orthodox, which is why the term is retarded and not applicable to them. I never said Countess was the only "Orthodox Black Metal" band either. I said he was the originator of the term. He obviously drew that from previously established roots in order to hearken to an Orthodox tradition, no?

Now just accept that I'm right like everybody else does and realize the discrepancy of terminology the next time you refer to the new wave of Worship Him bands.
The problem is that I don't feel like wasting my time explaining myself to somebody who's not even going to be posting by this time next year when my thoughts have been expressed numerous times on numerous occasions and the only one who doesn't know them here is you. The new "Orthodox" bands are not Orthodox, which is why the term is retarded and not applicable to them. I never said Countess was the only "Orthodox Black Metal" band either. I said he was the originator of the term. He obviously drew that from previously established roots in order to hearken to an Orthodox tradition, no?

Now just accept that I'm right like everybody else does and realize the discrepancy of terminology the next time you refer to the new wave of Worship Him bands.

Why should I accept that you're right? After all, you still didn't give an explanation to WHY the bands considered Orthodox Black Metal these days are not "Orthodox". You are not describing anything about the sound of the actual music, so I will just assume you are deaf.

You still fail.
The answer is intuitively obvious by the definition of the word Orthodox. Worship Him Black Metal bands do not play Black Metal in the Orthodox tradition descended from Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Sodom, Tormentor, Mercyful Fate, and the like. You are the only one who thinks you're "succeeding" in this argument, by the way. A better term for this new wave of bands would be Satanic Orthodox Black Metal, since the Orthodox in their usage of the terminology refers to the faux Satanic ideology to which they ascribe rather than traits of the music they play, but that's even more of a bullshit term than Orthodox Black Metal is to begin with. They're all Black Metal. Orthodox is not a genre, it's a mentality.

Now leave me the fuck alone and have a Merry Fucking Christmas.
The answer is intuitively obvious by the definition of the word Orthodox. Worship Him Black Metal bands do not play Black Metal in the Orthodox tradition descended from Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Sodom, Tormentor, Mercyful Fate, and the like. You are the only one who thinks you're "succeeding" in this argument, by the way. A better term for this new wave of bands would be Satanic Orthodox Black Metal, since the Orthodox in their usage of the terminology refers to the faux Satanic ideology to which they ascribe rather than traits of the music they play, but that's even more of a bullshit term than Orthodox Black Metal is to begin with. They're all Black Metal. Orthodox is not a genre, it's a mentality.

Now leave me the fuck alone and have a Merry Fucking Christmas.

:lol: even dodens has a santa hat now...