Black Metal.

Abigor's old cds are sooooo much better than the last few. The industrial parts are very much out of place and sound quite forced.

Watain - Sworn to the Dark is only decent. Casus Luciferi and Rabid Death's Curse are a lot better.
Upon further listening the new Xasthur has grown on me, although it is the worst album of his that I have heard. I really like Xasthur a lot and there are plenty of moments that I enjoy on this album, but as others have said, it is inconsistent. The standout track to me was Worship (the war against) Yourself. Anyone who hasn't liked the Xasthur they have heard should at least give Nocturnal Poisoning a try. It is his best work,
well, if Primordial counts as black metal (at least there are some bm bits in the sound) then it's clearly my favourite this year. other bm albums i liked much:

2. Lunar Aurora - Andacht
3. Farsot - IIII
4. Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters
5. Verdunkeln - Einblick In Den Qualenfall
6. Deathspell Omega - Fas
7. Shining - V: Halmstad
8. Rotting Christ - Theogonia
9. Blut Aus Nord - Odinist
10. Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
In no real order...

1.Shining - Halmstad
2.Mayhem - Ordo Ab Chao
3.Odious - Mirrors of Vibrations
4.Ohtar - Human Fuel Of Death
5.Mortuus - De Contemplanda Morte
6.Glorior Belli - Manifesting the Raging Beast
7.Kroda - Fimbulwinter
8.Locus Mortis - Voust
9.Khors - Cold
10.Krohm - The Haunting Presence
What are USBM bands that play in a more Scandinavian style instead of the Beherit styled stuff and Suicidal stuff? I can't remember the last time a USBM symphonic black metal band was being hailed, basically stuff along the lines of the Norwegian and Swedish stuff.
Though its been mentioned before, you should try out Ceremonial Castings. One hell of a US symph Bm band.. other than that I only know/listen to a select few USBM bands. Though Im planning to delve in further later...
In no real order...

1.Shining - Halmstad
2.Mayhem - Ordo Ab Chao
3.Odious - Mirrors of Vibrations
4.Ohtar - Human Fuel Of Death
5.Mortuus - De Contemplanda Morte
6.Glorior Belli - Manifesting the Raging Beast
7.Kroda - Fimbulwinter
8.Anti - The Insignificance of Life
9.Khors - Cold
10.Krohm - The Haunting Presence

The Anti album came out in '06.

What are USBM bands that play in a more Scandinavian style instead of the Beherit styled stuff and Suicidal stuff? I can't remember the last time a USBM symphonic black metal band was being hailed, basically stuff along the lines of the Norwegian and Swedish stuff.

I've heard some symphonic USBM and it's lackluster.