Black Metal.

Have you heard its predecessor? It's in my top 10 black metal albums of all time.

Yeah, I've owned Beyond the Wandering Moon for ages. I've always really enjoyed it, but until hearing their sophomore effort it never really clicked with me. I can safely say it has now, and at least one of them would make my top ten. With ease. I have to ask, are any of Aeternus' other albums worth checking out? I've been told they turned into a pretty crappy Death Metal band.
What are USBM bands that play in a more Scandinavian style instead of the Beherit styled stuff and Suicidal stuff? I can't remember the last time a USBM symphonic black metal band was being hailed, basically stuff along the lines of the Norwegian and Swedish stuff.

I don't know for others but my favorite USBM band has always been Blood Storm. I discovered them with Pestilence from the Dragonstar back in 1999, loved them ever since, great celtic frost influenced band.
I was kinda let down by Folkstorms I've always though Horizons... was their peak. It's more folky and not as raw which I think fits them perfectly.
I finally got around to listening to Bathory's The Return last night and it was everything I expected. Not quite as good Under the Sign of the Black Mark but certainly within sight of the apex. I'm guessing I was hearing a remastered version because the sound was clear yet still retained that occult 80's atmosphere. Quorthon's vocals were rougher than I expected as I didn't know growls in metal were used in such early years.

With this album, and the two after it, I can safely say that Bathory is my favorite 1st wave BM band. That will be confirmed once I track down the self titled debut.

Thoughts on the first two Bathory albums?
I finally got around to listening to Bathory's The Return last night and it was everything I expected. Not quite as good Under the Sign of the Black Mark but certainly within sight of the apex. I'm guessing I was hearing a remastered version because the sound was clear yet still retained that occult 80's atmosphere. Quorthon's vocals were rougher than I expected as I didn't know growls in metal were used in such early years.

With this album, and the two after it, I can safely say that Bathory is my favorite 1st wave BM band. That will be confirmed once I track down the self titled debut.

Thoughts on the first two Bathory albums?

They are really not that great. I feel it is just sub-par. I will expand on this in my blog within a week or so.
The debut sounds like Venom mixed with a dash of Motorhead getting into a brawl with GBH and Discharge. More or less.
Yes Blood Fire Death is better then all those, and Hammerheart is better then Blood Fire Death. :p

The Nordland albums are great, probably his worst viking outputs but that doesn't mean they're totally awsome.
I find it unfair to rank the first five albums, at least for myself, because they each offer something different that really can't be compared acros the board and for which I find equal affection. I will say that I probably play Under The Sign Of The Black Mark most often though.