Black Metal.

For all you vinylfags.:)

Essential black metal classic.

The release itself is not very high quality, unfortunately.

Why would someone even think of taking a picture in a bathroom?

That's Varg btw.

quick, people who know more about bm than me: what's a black metal band that actually sounds heavy (as in, kickass deep bass and suchlike) not just fast and shittily produced/orchestral and "epic"?

blackened-anything-else doesn't count


Er.. did Gorgoroth rip off the title of their latest release from these guys?

I doubt it was intentional, since it's an actual phrase that's widely used (though Gorgoroth fucked it all up), but yeah, Countess clearly used it first.
Need opinions on the following albums:

Limbonic Art - Ultimate Death Worship

Not quite as good as Ad Noctum..., but still an excellent release. Less keyboards and more guitar-oriented than the previous, but still a good balance. The album contains some of Limbonic Art's best songs ("Suicide Commando", "Towards the Oblivion of Dreams) as well as their worst ("Funeral of Death"). Overall, it's a definite plus, but more in terms of epic aggression than atmospheric/symphonic grandeur.

It's a logical next step after Ad Noctum, but if you're starved for keyboards and orchestration then get In Abhorrence Dementia first.
So I went to the record store today just to browse the metal section. Next to me I noticed someone wearing a Nachtmystium shirt. Naturally I said "nice shirt" and we had some good conversation about black metal, naturally. Well we got to the end of the metal section and where it said "Miscellaneous Metal" where I happen to find a copy of Godkiller's The Rebirth of the Middle Ages, used for like $7. My new friend immediately says "hey, Godkiller! A friend of mine told me to get into this band!" My modesty did me in yet again and I handed it to him, at which he said "nice meeting you" and walked away to buy it.

Had I known more about this band I would have claimed the album for myself. Apparently it's a gem of medieval-style black metal a la Dark Medieval Times.

Oh well. The guy was cool. He plays in a local band called Abaroth.
Strid - The End Of Life > Malfeitor - Pandemonium > Strid - Strid > Malfeitor - Malfeitor