Black Metal.

My guess would be that the g would be voiced in the same way that scandinavians seem to do j (like a y or smt) so. Myla.
I dunno, I'm pronouncing it the way it sounds in Russian. It should be the same as Polish, since when Poles speak, it sounds like Russian, only backwards.
Marduk's every album is underrated in this forum, i don't know why.

True, I would really like to understand why.

Just take a look at the "best 2007 albums" thread, I guess only one member of the forum crew mentioned "Rom 5:12".

IMO, definitely one of the best metal albums released last year.

Not to mention their last 3 or 4 albums, all of them pretty damn good.
At Hatebreeder: How are the Rotting Christ and Nattens Madrigal CD's? I'm waiting on my Nattens Madrigal CD to come in the mail, I'm guessing it'll be Monday when I get it though.
It's good repetitive bass-heavy BM...nice thick driving riffs with a strong sense of evil melody. Recommended if you like Deathspell Omega, Glorior Belli, Katharsis, etc.
Sounds kinda like I imagined them sounding the way you describe them. Never heard Glorior Belli though. I need to just look into them & get it over with. I've had their EPs for awhile, just haven't listened yet.